2 things:
Do you or did you invite your Wedding Party's sig. others or dates to your RD? No one in our WP is married or engaged to anyone, and our Rehersal itself is at 4, dinner probably about 5:30 6 ish. We originally were not inviting Sig. others to the RD, but now i'm starting to question it based on what i've read. We want a really small intimate RD with just close family and our wedding party. What did you or are you going to do?
2. Are you having 2 showers? My FMIL wants to throw me a shower and invite a lot of her extended family (most of whom I've only met maybe once) My mom thinks this is totally rude and not appropriate as she feels that my MOH should be the only one hosting a shower. (but I thought it was wrong/rude to expect my MOH to host a shower with about 30 people) I don't really mind 2 showers per se, but my dilemma now is do I invite my Bridal Party to both showers, and does my mom attend both showers?