
Mike Cox deposition

So, Mike Cox has to give a deposition in federal court today.  He's accused by several State Police officers of inhibiting and shutting down their investigation.  What do you ladies think?  Is it a c-o-n-spiracy or rumors?

Re: Mike Cox deposition

  • edited December 2011
    its hard to say at this point but I think we will continue to see more and more things come out as time goes on. The Kilpatrick administration was clearly deeply imbedded in the entire metro area and the corruption is spread pretty widely. Whether or not Cox did something to keep things under wraps I'm not sure but I think if he did that it will come out.
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  • ms nobodyms nobody member
    edited December 2011
    he did something- whether or not it was unintentional is what i'm interested in. 
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  • jujubee455jujubee455 member
    edited December 2011
    politicians are all shady lol... wait more like people are all shady.
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