

So this probably belongs in the vent thread but I've been trying to replecate my to do list since god only knows when my computer will be coming back and yikes.

It was like a fresh smack of here's all the crap you've been avoiding. Plus I lost my guest list spreadsheet with all the accurate address :( I really hope it comes back soon because getting that together was a b!tch.

end pity party for me.

Anyone have good, funny, entertaining or otherwise happy things to share?

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Re: Yikes

  • terbear_86terbear_86 member
    edited December 2011
    Sure, here is an entertaining story that I didn't share with the class, but is classic "d'oh" for me.

    Friday Dec 4 FI and I went to a wedding ( I posted later how badly it sucked but that notwithstanding). While we were driving to a bar after the reception, I was driving the car and FI was fiddling with the radio that I wasn't paying attention to. Hearing the weather come on, I tuned in to hear " We will get down to about negative one tonight with a windchill of five or six below. Don't worry though, tomorrow it will get up to positive two degrees" About this point I start flipping out because I am in a dress with no nylons ( They had massively ripped earlier and I thought it best just to ditch them) + I had open toed shoes on ( ya ya snark at me all you want lol, they were cute with that dress!). FI starts laughing at me flipping out and says, " It's a Windsor radio station honey". At which point I responded, " We are in Detroit. If it is negative one in Windsor it is negative one in Detroit. The river does not magically make it warmer on the United States side! What part about that don't you understand???" It was at this point that FI reminded me that Windsor measures degrees in Celsius..... not Fahrenheit. Enter laughter at my expense for about ten minutes, which was reiterated to the bartender who is a friend of both of ours. Go me.
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