The results are in.
Saturday, the weekend of the 18/20/21 in Livonia/Novi/Farm. Hills area won.
So on Saturday the 20th of February what the hell are we going to do?
Here are the replies for what we should do:
1.Anything is good bar and apps?
4.Ice skate!
6.I'm up for anything
7.hang out, have cocktails, get to know each other, talk about ridiculous things
9.We should all do something active,maybe like a drop in workout class.Like Yoga or something.
11.Have lots of fun! Be able to mingle/talk with others and not feel confined by a table or waiting for a meal etc.
12.I just want a setting that will facilitate interaction between everyone who attends, not just the people sitting nearest to you
13.Anything is fine with me
14.HAVE FUN!!!!