
Drum roll please

The results are in.

Saturday, the weekend of the 18/20/21 in Livonia/Novi/Farm. Hills area won.

So on Saturday the 20th of February what the hell are we going to do?

Here are the replies for what we should do:

1.Anything is good :)

 2.wine bar and apps?


 4.Ice skate!


 6.I'm up for anything

7.hang out, have cocktails, get to know each other, talk about ridiculous things

9.We should all do something active,maybe like a drop in workout class.Like Yoga or something.


11.Have lots of fun! Be able to mingle/talk with others and not feel confined by a table or waiting for a meal etc.

12.I just want a setting that will facilitate interaction between everyone who attends, not just the people sitting nearest to you

13.Anything is fine with me

14.HAVE FUN!!!!

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Re: Drum roll please

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