
I want EVERYONE'S opinion please.....Hair appt @ 5:30 Today

I have brown hair, a few years back I put highlights in it. In March I went to a salon to get my hair dyed back to my natural brown color. The color has already faded and you can see my highlights showing back through again.  I'm really not that into fashion or what have you. My hair is naturally curly/wavy, I try my darndest to straighten it.  It's a little past my shoulders now, I of course, am trying to grow it out & my b-pics are 8/8.  Should I put highlights in it again? I have a hair appt today at 5:30. So:

Re: I want EVERYONE'S opinion please.....Hair appt @ 5:30 Today

  • edited December 2011
    To get an idea of what I look like:

  • leeshab1982leeshab1982 member
    edited December 2011
    I have similar hair to yours and I always love highlights, especially in the summer.  The highlights make my curly hair look much better and give it more dimension when I straighten it.  I say GO FOR IT!!
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  • edited December 2011
    Oh yea, this brings me to another question:

    What color highlights?

    lighter brown/carmel color or blonde??
  • leeshab1982leeshab1982 member
    edited December 2011
    I always go with blonde in the summer!  Light brown ones don't show up well in my hair and caramel are okay but sometimes tend to look gold.  My stylist does them blonde and then uses a little bit of toner on them so they aren't like shocking or anything. 
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  • GwenwhyfareGwenwhyfare member
    Sixth Anniversary 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    I'm not sure on this, I think it's a matter of preference. I had my hair highlighted a little over two years ago and haven't had it touched up or dyed since. When I had it done originally, I got a deal because of where I worked. The upkeep for me was too much, so I opted to just cut my hair until the highlights were gone.

    When I did have it highlighted, I also had blond put in which looks nice when my hair is curly. You can hardly tell they're there though when it's straight.
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  • kendrajoy22kendrajoy22 member
    edited December 2011

    I had lighter hair (I am always changing my hair color since I am in the industry)...but in preparation for my wedding next month went back to my natural color.  I would suggest that what ever color your hair is the majority of the time, go with that.  If you throw highlights in, I would have them toned to just add dimention, not in effort to lighten your hair up.  My thinking is that I want to look back and my pictures see the "classic" me!

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