
Engagement Party Question

Hi All,

Not sure if I'm remembered, but I just recently planned my wedding on here (married 10.10.09)....anyways...a couple of our friends just got engaged and are having engagement parties.

I didn't have one so I'm not sure of the etiquette.

Should we bring a gift, and if so how much do you typically spend? What are some gift ideas?

Thanks Ladies!!

Re: Engagement Party Question

  • edited December 2011
    traditionally a gift is not expected nor required for an engagement party, it's supposed to be a way for the two families and their friends to meet and get to know each other. If you really wanted to give them a gift you could, we just threw an engagemenat party for my FSIL and ppl did bring gifts, but we made sure to put them out of sight right away, so that those that did bring gifts didn't feel bad, most of the gifts were small, or bottles of wine or champagne. I'd say it's all up to you, how well you know them and all that. :)
  • edited December 2011
    We didn't have a formal engagement party either. We had a small get together with our friends at a bar. We didn't want gifts. I'm not a fan of engagement parties because really its just another excuse to get more gifts/money out of your guests! Anyway, I did attend an engagement party and this is what I bought: I got a wicker basket with 2 inexpensive wine glasses, a bottle of wine, and a nice wine opener. I spent maybe $60. i think maybe a bottle of wine or their favorite liquor is a good gift. HTH!

    PS...of course we remember you!Smile
  • edited December 2011
    My step mom threw us one and people got us small gifts.    Also like Corrine said we remember you :)
    Photobucket Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • edited December 2011
    Hey - I remember you!

    Anyways, we had a small informal one (Chris actually surprised me with it...), but some people brought us gifts and some didn't.  We got little things like a bottle of champagne (which neither of us like and it is still in our fridge...), a photo album, bottle of wine, etc.  I would just go small.
  • edited December 2011
    We had a surprise engagement party. Some brought gifts, most didn't. We got a 25$ lowe's gift card, a candle, a guide to a happy marriage book (unfortunately they left out the chapter on crazy in-laws), and a couple of checks.

    Mostly I say, don't worry about a gift, or get something small and personal.

    My favorite gift was the candle....even though it came from Fi's grandma who hates me and was probably done to send Fi a message to break up with me! lol
  • edited December 2011
    Someone mentioned a book as a gift, I always think that that is perfect in these kinds of situations: "A Short Guide to a Happy Marriage" I wrote just for this purpose, since I could never find just the right one --- take at look at amazon or borders and stop by and visit @ www.ashortguidetoahappymarriage.com
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