Wedding Etiquette Forum

UGH - I miss you.

I didn't get any sleep last night thanks to X and my mother in law. X was panting and shaking and generally freaking out thanks to the weather and my MIL couldn't figure out how to use our TV so she woke me up six (yes, 6) times to help her turn on the TV so she could watch the weather report.

So - I took 4 hours of personal time this morning. I needed sleep.

Now I'm at work and I'm so effing busy that I don't get to waste time here today. If I wasn't on hold, I wouldn't get to do this right now. I MISS YOU.

It's still positive thought week - and since we're busy, it means we're making money and that means I might get a raise or bonus soon...right?! RIGHT! I'm not on hold. I just thought I'd say I miss and <3 you kids.

Re: UGH - I miss you.

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