This is a long-term(ish) goal of ours: getting the heck out of Las Vegas in the next few years. We're both tired of the desert and would love to move (back, for me) to the West Coast.
Our short list (in order of preference) --
(1) SF Bay Area
(2) San Diego
(3) Orange County
(4) Seattle
(5) Portland
I'm looking for opinions from the ladies who live in or around these areas. Mr. Imp and I want good weather, low to few issues for allergies, urban areas that have that "neighborhood" feel. One of the things we miss most is being able to just walk. He grew up in NYC and me in SF (I also lived in DC/Arlington), we really miss being able to walk out of our homes and go get something to eat, see a movie, etc.
If you live somewhere on my list, pimp it to me!