A very, um, silly teenage girl who I worked with for the summer asked me a few weeks ago when my wedding was. When I mentioned the date, she yelled out, "I'm going! I'm totally going!" Even though we barely know eachother and in no way could be considered close. We have 0 mutual friends or friends of family. I have never, ever, in any way shape or form, suggested that she or anyone she knows, might be invited. I thought she was just being ridiculous, so I just let it go and laughed with some friends about it later.
Well, today (last day of summer job, so this was her sort-of goodbye to me) she said to me, "You need to post pictures from your wedding on FB!" I said I would. Then she said, "Yeah, you know, just in case I'm still away at school that weekend and won't be able to crash your wedding." I laughed but she actually sounded serious. She then continued, "You don't even have to feed me, or anything! I just want to be there!" Then she said that she did that before. A girl invited her and a bunch of other people to her ceremony and dancing, but had told her that she couldn't "pay for her to eat," but that she was totally fine with it. I was just like this: "Ohh, really? That's funny. Gotta go.."
I'm actually a teensy bit nervous now that this crazy girl might try to crash the wedding. She's the type who just might do this, and maybe even bring a friend. She'll probably still be in college, but it's the weekend before Thanksgiving, so who knows. I may have mentioned somewhere on Facebook-land the location of my wedding. It has a guard gate, and they said that they would just let everyone in who mentioned our wedding party. Maybe I should make my whole guest list suffer by waiting in line and presenting photo ID before entering, just so I have no wedding crashers. Or, give the guards a picture of just her, and tell them to be on the lookout.
Or, just let whatever happens happen. She'd be free entertainment if nothing else.
Seriously, I thought people like this didn't even exist.
173 Invites are in the mail!

58 are ready to party!

32 are missing out.

83 are nowhere to be found.

RSVP date is November 1.