Wedding Etiquette Forum

Geek Love (TLC)

did any of you watch it?!?

I kept squealing with excitement, I got sucked in right away! Granted I am really good friends with the creator of Sci-Fi Speed Dating, Ryan G, IRL.

Loved it. I really hope it gets picked up as a regular show.

I liked Kelly and the Dr. Who match she got paired with.
James (boba fett) is really cocky IRL. Again, I know a lot of these people haha

Disclaimer: I go to conventions. I dress up.I belong to Star Wars costuming groups (I can only hid it for so long!) But I married a "normal" person.

So what did you thing?
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Re: Geek Love (TLC)

  • In Response to <a href="">Geek Love (TLC)</a>:
    [QUOTE]did any of you watch it?!? I kept squealing with excitement, I got sucked in right away! Granted I am really good friends with the creator of Sci-Fi Speed Dating, Ryan G, IRL. Loved it. I really hope it gets picked up as a regular show. I liked Kelly and the Dr. Who match she got paired with. James (boba fett) is really cocky IRL. Again, I know a lot of these people haha Disclaimer: I go to conventions. I dress up.<strong>I belong to Star Wars costuming groups</strong> (I can only hid it for so long!) But I married a "normal" person. So what did you thing?
    Posted by Nickivegan[/QUOTE]

    <div>I never heard of this show but I love you even more now. </div>
  • I haven't even heard about it, but it sounds awesome. When is it on?
  • I recorded it but haven't had the chance to watch it yet.
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  • It follows nerds at cons speed dating. It was on yesterday at 9:00 pm on TLC. They should replay it, as they do everything! Dec 22nd 8:00 and 8:30 (two episodes) I think!
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  • I happened to catch it while it was on (I hadn't heard anything about the show prior to seeing it though).  It was interesting to watch I guess.  I think the speed dating at the conventions is a good idea because I think that's generally a good place to meet people since you obviously have similar interests, but I'm not sure if it would have much success as a show.  I'm just not sure how many 'geek' speed dates one could watch without it getting boring.
  • I watched both episodes last night.
    I also hadn't heard of the show or seen any advertising for it before it came on but I thought it was really cute!

  • I had it on in the background when I was doing computer work so I didn't pay 100% attention. But, I'm all for everyone finding love and that each person has someone out there for them. So why not with con speed dating? I'm a huge reality tv show fan so there's that too.

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  • I couldn't stop laughing. It was awesome. H called me a "legit nerd" even though he is way more nerdy than me. But these nerds were just off the charts nerds. I am glad they could find someone though.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Geek Love (TLC)</a>:
    [QUOTE]I couldn't stop laughing. It was awesome. H called me a "legit nerd" even though he is way more nerdy than me. But these nerds were just off the charts nerds. I am glad they could find someone though.
    Posted by ahhhitsshannyn[/QUOTE]
    I took my H to a convention for the first time last month. It was fun.<div>
    </div><div>I really thought the show was positive, and not mocking or exploiting (I think Virgin Diaries mocks a bit) and one of the best things (non-trainwreck ala Toddlers in Tiaras) out there on TLC network.</div>
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  • I felt so bad for the Chewie guy that didn't get picked by anyone. He had a really positive outlook though. I am just a Harry Potter nerd and H seems to think that HP is nerdier than Star wars. Yeah freaking right, star wars is so nerdy.

    I did sort of feel the show was a little mocking, but I think nerds like that. They feed off of being weird so I don't think that they care. I think the guy who was the host or whatever was pretty funny. Was this a test for a regular season show? I would watch it.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Geek Love (TLC)</a>:
    [QUOTE]I have never even heard of this but I'm a straight up Whovian so I want all the other Whovians to find love.  FI has never seen single episode of New Who, which makes me sad.
    Posted by EaglesBride2012[/QUOTE]

    <div>That makes me sad too.</div><div>
    </div><div>You need to re-educate him (:</div>
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Geek Love (TLC)</a>:
    [QUOTE]I felt so bad for the Chewie guy that didn't get picked by anyone. He had a really positive outlook though. I am just a Harry Potter nerd and H seems to think that HP is nerdier than Star wars. Yeah freaking right, star wars is so nerdy. I did sort of feel the show was a little mocking, but I think nerds like that. They feed off of being weird so I don't think that they care. I think the guy who was the host or whatever was pretty funny. Was this a test for a regular season show? I would watch it.
    Posted by ahhhitsshannyn[/QUOTE]

    <div>Want to fight? I will use my Star Wars awesomeness to kick your HP dweeb-ness! </div><div>Ok, nevermind, I love me some HP too...</div><div>
    </div><div>Ryan (the host) is HYSTERICAL and really witty. He loves the sci-fi circuit and is really invested into the speed dating and gets excited when it works out.</div><div>
    </div><div>It was a tester, there are two more episodes to air (sometime in January I think) and then they will decide to pick it up for next year or whenever.</div>
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Geek Love (TLC)</a>:
    [QUOTE]I have never even heard of this but I'm a straight up Whovian so I want all the other Whovians to find love.  FI has never seen single episode of New Who, which makes me sad.
    Posted by EaglesBride2012[/QUOTE]

    <div>That makes me sad for you.  But hey, you've got a chance to get him hooked on Sunday night (hopefully you get BBCA).  It took a whopping 2 episodes for H to decide that it was worth watching (and he's definitely not into sci-fi typically).  So maybe if you can get your FI to sit down and watch it, he'll be hooked.  :)</div>
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  • Is Dr. Who on netflix? I have a feeling I have seen it but I am not sure it starts from the beginning. I want to start watching it. I am not a nerd.
  • YES Shannyn, it IS!

    You don't have to go all the way back to the original, just start with the beginning of the reboot- Christopher Eccleston and Billie Piper.  It took me like 10 seconds to be hooked.  And that season is good, but the next with David Tennant is even better.
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