So I just got a FB message from one of my BMs today. Basically she was giving me permission to kick her out of my wedding. She said that I "left her in the dark" about my wedding planning. Honestly she knows about as much as any of my BMs do. One went with me to my inviations and another went dress shopping and to the fitting with me.
So..that's 2 out of my 4 bridesmaids and two events out of all my wedding planning that they have been involved in.
They all know the same basic stuff (Colors,venue...etc).
She somehow got the impression I didn't want her there. She came to the BM dress shopping and asked to try on long dresses (she knew I wanted short, so yes I was annoyed TBH) and at the bridesmaids dress thing I asked her to come to the fitting! She said she would, but that was the day of her housewarming party and I guess she was too busy.
I sent her an "I'm going to try to make it to your party but no promises" text on Friday and I'm just now hearing ANYTHING from her.
I haven't replied to her because I think she's way off base and I don't even know what to say to her.