Ok, so ever since I was a little girl I've wanted a small wedding. My fiancé has had the same vision (what little he's imagined). The only problem is that a small wedding to me is around 100 people. This in mind, my mom wants me to invite all 73 members of her family. This includes aunts and uncles who I haven't talked to in years with children who treated me like crap in high school because I was overweight. To add on to that I have an estranged grandpa who pretty much disowned the family to start a new life with another woman. I'm only close to one of my aunts on my mothers side, and at that I only ever talk to one of the others when I'm at home and I answer the phone for my mom and it's her.
My Fiancé's family is a total of 38 people... while on the other hand my step dad has 4 sisters who are all married and two kids who ALWAYS have to be the center of attention. They were mean to my mother and I because we aren't my step dads "real" family.
I'm not sure what to do about my dads family... My father and I aren't exactly on close terms because he was abusive when I was a child and now suddenly has amnesia of all of this. I don't want him there but my mother thinks it would be a good idea.
So,, any suggestions on how to keep my wedding small? I've considered booking a small hall and just inviting only the closest of the close so not to have any hurt feelings...