Wedding Etiquette Forum

Things you have learned from other Knotties (lurkers too!)

Tell me something you have learned from other Knotties.

mrsAE taught me what the bubble meant.  She was always ranting that people would page her while her bubble was off and did it on purpose so she couldn't respond.  Alas: I realized that blue ball meant someone was online.

italythomas1 taught me that an honor's sash can't buy you smarts. 

taught me to never make my siggy a B picture

mandysmear taught me to never make my siggy a ring picture either

mrsB taught me the knottie rules, because she linked them in her bio and I never had to ask how to post a pic.  Thanks for that.

BabyFruit Ticker

Re: Things you have learned from other Knotties (lurkers too!)

  • All of the knotties from the post below about Tide and Taryan (sp?) about a lot of things that sound painful and a LOT scary.  Especially since FI told me last night he wanted SIX  yes that's up 2 more from his original 4 he requested in the beginning.  Now don't get me wrong i love kids and want a big family but i told him i didn't know if i could handle 6.  Haha :)
  • everyone taught me that it's NOT okay to ask your BP to get hair extensions.
  • lpstl showed me what a pregnant little person looked like.
  • Night_Sprite told me what a cousin, once removed is.  Which I had been wondering about for a number of years.
    Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
  • Mandy taught me interviewing skills.

    Moose taught me beaver skills.

    Ivy taught me war tank skills.

    P2 taught me that she needs my phone number for Fargo fly thoughs.

    The knot taught me that I really suck at accepting change that sucks. (see?)

    Vacation with Alix, Andy, Mandy, and FLORENCE. AND HER MACHINE.

    The Margarita Evolution
  • I learned from lala the other day that Stephen King's new book actually weighs 4lbs. I had been wondering about it in the store as I held it in my hand.
    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
  • The Canadian knotties taught me what beaver claws and poutine are.

  • Nebb educated me on 2012
  • courtneyandblahblahblah (I think) taught me how NOT to look on my wedding day.

    veronabrit taught me that short, tight, black BM dresses may not be the best choice for me (although her BMs looked good)

    sun taught me that a beautiful dress can be found in a relatively short amount of time.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I've learned that it's possible to live somewhere with inhumanly cold temperatures.

    I've also learned that a lot of cool people play WoW.
  • I've learned that there are a lot of other people out there that waste time at work.  And this makes me feel less guilty.
  • I have no idea what a beaver claw is.
    Ditto Nebb 2012 (although I don't believe it)

    The Knot taught me how ignorant some people are (including myself)

    E taught me that it is possible to make $9800 in 10 minutes

    Sassy taught me that some people are just GROSS.
  • Temerity Jane taught me how to magically get any job I interview for.

    Mandy (or was it Nebb?) clued me in to the fact that you can't visit Canada if you're an American with a DUI. 

    Ricksang taught me about cake balls.
    two years!
    after two losses, now happily expecting baby #1 09.16.12
    Pregnancy Ticker
    Brie Fit Blog | BFP Chart
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Things you have learned from other Knotties (lurkers too!)</a>:
    [QUOTE]The Canadian knotties taught me what beaver claws and poutine are.
    Posted by bbyckes[/QUOTE]
    Beaver TAILS capri, beaver tails hehehe.
  • I always get them confused.  sowwies.
  • Ill make you eat one one day, then you wont forget!
  • Moose taught me what a beaver tail is, and enlightened me to the fact that I want one now!

    I'm drawing a blank now. More will come to me later I'm sure.

  • Arb taught me about poo-cock. 
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • I've learned there are families with more drama than mine!  I've learned that people still have wedding showers (I really thought they died out back when my grandma was getting married) although I declined when people offer to throw one for me.
  • In general, I've been enlightened about:

    Jack and Jill parties
    Honeymoon registries
    House registries
    iPod receptions
    Dollar dances being distasteful
    wine ceremonies
    sand ceremonies

    I didn't know a lot of this stuff existed before joining.
  • Vally and Fishy taught me that good people sometimes wear Crocs.
  • I learned about Civil War monuments and art from Sarah0725.

    I learned it can be a really small world talking to MoneyPenny.

    I learned what a dollar dance was from various knotties.
  • I am pretty new here, so will prolly learn more but this one was the biggest surprise:

    It is rude to put the insert about your registries with the invitation - call me ignorant, i did not know that, and thanks to knotties i know now, and will not put mine in.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Things you have learned from other Knotties (lurkers too!)</a>:
    [QUOTE]Vally and Fishy taught me that good people sometimes wear Crocs.
    Posted by julezlee[/QUOTE]

    <img src="" border="0" alt="Laughing" title="Laughing" />

    Not sure if this applies but Julez, I am stealing your idea to hang my dress on one of those suction cup hooks on the window of our hotel. I guess I'll say you taught me a great idea for my wedding dress shot.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:07420f55-c8fc-423a-8ed9-611f066108e0Post:471352e6-5e73-4b12-827a-bd840daf5d93">Re: Things you have learned from other Knotties (lurkers too!)</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Things you have learned from other Knotties (lurkers too!) : Not sure if this applies but Julez, I am stealing your idea to hang my dress on one of those suction cup hooks on the window of our hotel. I guess I'll say you taught me a great idea for my wedding dress shot.
    Posted by vallyhoo[/QUOTE]

    Nice.  I think that totally applies.
  • All the Canadian Knotties taught me i NEVER want to live there because I am the biggest wimp in the cold.
  • Oh yes! Cake balls! I learned about them from Brie!

    I also never really gave short wedding dresses much thought before, but Julez taught me how completely fierce they can be!

    And I learned about mini brides. Which I still consider to be the scariest wedding related thing ever.
    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
  • Mini bride? Do I really even want to know what this is?
    Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
  • I went to a wedding once with a minibride. It fit in nicely with the wedding's theme of "trainwreck".
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Things you have learned from other Knotties (lurkers too!)</a>:
    [QUOTE]All the Canadian Knotties taught me i NEVER want to live there because I am the biggest wimp in the cold.
    Posted by amw716[/QUOTE]

    You do know it gets just as cold in parts of the US, right?
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