So this is what happened. When we made our guest list, I asked FMIL for names/addresses of family members she would like invited. She gave me her address book and told me she put stars by those people who should be invited. I added these people/addresses into my Guest List Spreadsheet, very nice, neat, and organized. I e-mailed her the spreadsheet to make sure I had everybody right and wasn't missing anybody important. She e-mailed back saying it looked good. Last night, FSIL needed family addresses for Bridal Shower invites and asked me for the guest list so she could get them from there. I e-mailed her the guest list. A few hours later I get a text message from FMIL telling me not to invite two gentlemen on the guest list because they were bad to invite. I asked who they were and told her whoever was on there from their side was somebody her or my fiance said to invite and that whoever is on that list has already received save the dates.
Apparantly these two gentlemen USED to be married to members of the family and are now divorced, but were divorced BEFORE I even asked for addresses! So #1 why did she put a star by them to invite and #2 why didn't she proof read the guest list like I asked her to do? She just keeps saying not to invite them. I talked to my fiance about it and he said don't invite them. I know etiquette says you invite everybody you send a save the date to. I figure, send them an invite, odds are they won't show up anyways right? But then what if they do? Don't send an invite, be rude, but never see these people or know who they are (fiance doesn't even know who they are!). So in this case do I follow etiquette or follow what my fiance and FMIL want? Ugh I wish she would have just looked over the list for me from the beginning, I'm sure these gentlmen are wondering why in the world they even got a save the date!!! Like I said, I know etiquette says to send an invite, but if both fiance and FMIL don't want to send one, what would you do?