Wedding Etiquette Forum

Invitation Question

I know you're supposed to send an invitation to anyone over the age of 18. I am sending invitations to three families (that are my family), and they each have like 2 or 3 "kids" that are 18+, living at home (or are in college, but live at home during breaks). My motive isn't to save money by not sending out more invitations, it just seems really repetitive to have 3 or 4 different invitations sent to the same household. Thoughts?

Re: Invitation Question

  • It's proper etiquette. I know it seems weird, but if I were over 18 and still living at home it would make me feel like a little kid to just have my name attached to my parents' invitation.

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  • I included my cousin in the invitation with her parents, even though she is over 18.  Its not quite etiquette, but it was practical...and I'm a more practical kind of person. :)
  • I remember I was excited to get my first wedding invitation as an adult. Hell, getting anything in the mail was cool.
  • If they are in college, I think it is OK to send the invite to the parents and kids together.

    Or, do all kids live at home.  Then you could just invite the whole family? 
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  • It doesn't seem like you asked for the most economic or easiest option. I'm assuming you came to the etiquitte board for advice on the proper etiquitte. If that's the case, then you need to send each child over 18 their own invitation. Also, don't forget about their significant others. I don't know if any of them are in a relationship, but have you considered how awkward it would be to include them on the parent's invitation with their significat other?
  • I think they are all either in college or high school (maybe 1 or 2). My aunt has 2 children (in their late 20s, do not live at home, they will be getting their own invitation no doubt) from her first marriage and 2 children (college-age, live at home) from her current marriage, so, technically they do not all live at home. 
  • I addressed my invites to whole families, i.e. "The ____ Family".  I have so many cousins, many of whom are above and below 18 within the same family, so it would get a little too crazy otherwise!

    I'm finding that quite a few of the ettiquite battles have gone to the wind. For example, I only was inviting family and close friends, but my fiance's cousins (17 and 18 years old) are bringing thier boyfriends, who I did NOT invite. But its his family so I'm not sure if I can even say anything...
  • I know it's not proper etiquette, but FI has two families with 2 adult children living at home.  I sent one invite to the parents and one to the two "kids" in their 20s.  So, I basically sent 2 invites to each house hold rather than 3.  It seems kind of silly to me to send so many invites to each household.  
  • I just address "The ______ Family" for the homes full of adults
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