Wedding Etiquette Forum

What to do with his sister

I need some advice...

My wedding is a little over 5 and a half months away.  Brides maids and grooms men have been decided on.  I have used all the colors in the wedding and dresses have been ordered. 

Today my fiancee informs me that he wants his sister to be part of the bridal party.  This is after we have both agreed upon that she would not be apart of it due to her lack of being able to committ to anything and following through on things. 

What do I do?

Re: What to do with his sister

  • Make her a reader.
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  • <p>Is it going to cause huge drama if you don't add her?

    And what does this mean:

    [QUOTE]lack of being able to committ to anything and following through on things[/QUOTE]

    ? What does she have to commit to or follow through on, other than buying a dress and showing up?

    Also, if your FI wants her in the wedding party, have her stand on his side,

    Andplusalso, you have a fiance.</p>
  • Eeeek. If I were a sister, I'd be seriously hurt to have not been included up to this point. Anywho, I'd have her do a reading as well. Don't give her some BS job like guestbook attendant or program hander-outter.
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  • Have her stand on his side. SIL stood on DH's side, and it was no problem. She tends to be flighty and unreliable, but she was able to get a nice dress and show up on time - we were thrilled.
  • If she stands on his side, she can just wear a black dress, or find a different dress than the BMs, maybe in a one of your accent colors. 

    My fiance and I will most likely ask our siblings to be ushers or readers. 
    my read shelf:
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  • Don't exlude her, include her in the ceremony. 
  • ggmaeggmae member
    edited December 2009
    In Response to <a href="">Re: What to do with his sister</a>:
    [QUOTE]If she stands on his side, she can just wear a black dress, or find a different dress than the BMs, maybe in a one of your accent colors.  My fiance and I will most likely ask our siblings to be ushers or readers. 
    Posted by msmerymac[/QUOTE]

    This is what SIL did. I told her that she could wear a pink dress like my girls or a black dress (with a pink sash if she wanted it) to match the guys' suits. She chose to wore a black dress, no sash and looked great. I got her a bouquet that matched my BM's bouquet.

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  • Have her stand on his side or be a reader. 
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    Dresses may be easier to take in than let out, but guest lists are not. -- kate51485
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