Wedding Etiquette Forum

WTH- Good Morning

Pee cat accidentally scratched my eye so now I am waiting for the eye doctor's office to open up so I can get an appointment and see what damage he did.

MIL is a nurse and flat out told me going to the ER is useless as they will just send me to the eye doctor, so now I wait. 

I hope everyone else's day started better than mine!

Share good stuff with me. 

Re: WTH- Good Morning

  • Oh man Rosie, that's awful.  I hope the cat didn't do any real damage.  

    I'm at work, the first of two days I have to work this week.  Motivation is low, but I have a deadline to meet which is the only reason why I'm here.  Ugh.  
  • Good morning Rosie and Stackeye.  Rosie - so sorry about your eye -  hope it's not too bad!   I couldn't sleep last night, so I'm just bs'ing on the internet, and waiting for FI to get up - he has drs appointments all day.  Ugh.

    But I keep telling myself that tody will be a better day.  All the crappiness of the past weeks will not happen today.  Let's see if that works.
  • Good morning. I was super confused when I woke up in the new apartment this morning. Especially since I woke up on FI's side of the bed haha. 
  • I haaate waking up confused. When we first moved here I would wake up confused all of the time. Honeymoon was worse though, every morning I wondered why the bed was so big. 
  • I've been off for four days and I have to leave the house in 40 minutes and I still haven't showered. I don't wanna work!
  • Eye scratches are no fun. Hope Pee Cat didn't do much damage! I woke up to Whisky laying by my head and staring at me, purring louder than I've ever heard him purr. Even H asked why he was so loud and said it was weird.

    I'm irritated because my school's Blackboard is down. Classes start the 4th and I need to upload the information, but the damn site's been down for over a week.
  • Sesha - that sucks.  When I was in college, one BB class wouldn't work - it was always down, so we actually had to do the class by email, and finish up with a personal meeting for each classmember with the professor.  Ugh.

    What class are you teaching?
  • Good morning!  Yikes, Rosie, I hope your eye is okay.

    My family goes back to Florida today :(  I'm a little sad but I'm also psyched because it means my sister is moving back home (thank God) and I have the house to myself again.  Plus H is only working 9 - 7 PM, which means we get to see each other today.

    My friend who is getting married in May messaged us all last night.  The bridal shop she ordered our dresses from back in October decided to wait until NOW to tell her that the dresses were unavailable in longer lengths.  So it looks like we're scrapping the dresses and going with something else.  I feel bad for my friend, because holy stress, but the dress did not look flattering on me so I'm relieved we're going with something else.

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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:0d2d4c06-ef5e-4d15-a1c9-494835101af8Post:a1585103-f81c-49ec-adc5-84b847343587">Re: WTH- Good Morning</a>:
    [QUOTE]Sesha - that sucks.  When I was in college, one BB class wouldn't work - it was always down, so we actually had to do the class by email, and finish up with a personal meeting for each classmember with the professor.  Ugh. What class are you teaching?
    Posted by PinkRoseAcct[/QUOTE]

    It's a creative writing class. And we'd be screwed without Bb because of the way the class is formatted. The office manager of the English department said they use breaks to update the system so I'm sure it will be working soon; it's just annoying that I'll have to wait until last minute.
  • Good morning! 

    Is TK working again?  It was not behaving last night.
  • Morning all, I hope your eye is okay Rosie. That's scary.

    My throat is sore and I woke up coughing this morning. Doesn't this possible sickness know it's not welcome here? I really don't want to be sick on NYE.

    In other news, my uncle should be in the hospital and I really don't understand why he isn't. In short, his blood platelets are so low that the regular doctor told him he's not even allowed to blow his nose or he could bleed to death. Sounds pretty urgent but apparently they can't get him to a hematologist until tomorrow. Hell, the regular doctor "couldn't make time" to see him yesterday until he went to Urgent Care and they called the doctor about what was up. Then two of the doctors in the practice suddenly had time to see him.
  • *HUGS* Midge, I hope you feel better and that your uncle is all right.

    Books read in 2012: 21/50

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  • Good Morning!

    Rosie  Ihope your eye is ok.

    Stacks you can make it! Only two days of work!

    Sesh I hope BB starts working again soon.

    Aleigh how's the new appartment?

    Cfas being sick at work is no bueno.

    PinkRose I hope the doc appts. go smoothly.

    Bay I'm glad you get your house back and actually get to see your husband tonight.

    Mica - who knows. TK does what it wants.

    We can't get financing for another house until we sell this house. So we're back to being in limbo until this one sells.
  • Midge that sucks his doctor wasn't able to see him in the first place. I hope everything works out for your uncle.
  • Good morning, ladies.

    Hope everyone who is having a frustrating morning has much nicer afternoons!

    Darth FI and I are leaving for Asheville in theoretically 8 minutes.  He's still in the bathroom shaving, though so that seems unlikely.

    Its okay though.  It means I get to take my sweet time putting on my face with my fancy pants new makeup brushes.
  • Morning, ladies!  It finally got cold here over night.  I love it.

    Rosebutt- I hope nothing serious is wrong with your eye. :(
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  • I'm glad I'm off today. I'm going to Richmond to meet up with my sister, BIL, and dad since they're in town visiting dad this week. I don't have to leave for another couple hours though so I'm still hanging out in my sock monkey PJs.
  • Morning!  This cold weather needs to make it through the weekend.  OR ELSE.

    Rosie, I hope your eye is ok.  Darn pee cat.

    MK, I'm sorry you're having such a hard time with the house.  That's so frustrating.

    Bleh, Sesh, don't say school.  I'm trying not to think about for at least another week.  I should probably figure out when classes actually start, though.
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    "Halloween may have loose women scantily clad...
    But Christmas has a pregnant virgin.

    Way cooler." - anna.oskar
  • MUNI, have fun in Asheville!  I went there once for a wedding a few years ago, it's beautiful!

    That sucks, MK :(

    Books read in 2012: 21/50

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  • Morning ladies heres to a better afternoon. We are on Wednesday, which is the slippery slide side of the week headed toward the weekend.  Bring it on, but not too quickly as I am on day one of vacation.

    We drove to the 1000 Islands last evening and are staying at FI's dad's cottage.  It is sooooooooo quiet.  It is snowing and there is no one around for miles.  FI needs to work on the big boat today so I am going to work remotely, surf the net, and nap.  I need to figure out where in Tornonto I want to play when we arrive there later in the week.
  • The only good to come out of this is we get our good faith money back. At least our savings will be back to normal.
  • Adamar I believe we're supposed to get another front this weekend to keep it cool.  :)
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:0d2d4c06-ef5e-4d15-a1c9-494835101af8Post:bbb2a142-1f3c-4adc-84e5-aa3aefb7b5fe">Re: WTH- Good Morning</a>:
    [QUOTE]Adamar I believe we're supposed to get another front this weekend to keep it cool.  :)
    Posted by FutureMrsFezz[/QUOTE]

    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
    "Halloween may have loose women scantily clad...
    But Christmas has a pregnant virgin.

    Way cooler." - anna.oskar
  • Thanks everyone. I'm trying not to worry too much but it's really hard.

    If I was still at home, there is no way I'd be awake MK. I can still hear my flannel sheets calling my name.
  • MK I believe that everything happens for a reason, and you and your H are going to find a better house, in a really cool location, with an awesome yard, and then you will be back under the same roof again!  TRUE FACT!

    Midge, good thoughts to your uncle.  That is very scary for you and your family.
  • Midge the dogs don't let me sleep later than 7 normally. So even on days off I'm used to being up early. I don't remember the last time I was in bed past like 8 or 9.
  • Ugh, it sounds like lots of people have bad news.  :(  I hope today is better than yesterday!
  • Rosie, I dropped the prints (from the best SS ever) at the frame shop yesterday.  Can't wait to pick them up next week.  Thanks again.  Totally a perfect prize for me.
  • Adamar, stop wishing for cold weather.  It is too cold.
  • But I want to make a fire this weekend, Mica!  ::stomps feet:: 
    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
    "Halloween may have loose women scantily clad...
    But Christmas has a pregnant virgin.

    Way cooler." - anna.oskar
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