Wedding Etiquette Forum

Night Thread

Hi there! What's going on? I'm enjoying some froyo and watching some Bones.

Re: Night Thread

  • Hi!  Just had dinner, now relaxing a bit.  I am exhausted and had a helluva day.  :\
  • Hey!

    I'm chilling on the couch with a fluffy puppy watching Dance Moms. This show is like crack.
  • I am relaxing after dinner too, with my sweet golden laying right next to me.  I really need to go to the store tonight.  Ugh!
  • Hello. I'm watching FI play Skyrim and browing different sites. I'm surrounded by dogs.
    imageWedding Countdown Ticker
  • I just read one of the worst FB status conversations I've seen in a long time. On my sister's wall.

    She apparently just learned that when you're in the middle of a divorce, it's probably a good idea to defriend the soon-to-be-ex-H's family on FB prior to starting up the "I love you!!!!11!1!!" posts to your new boyfriend.
  • I'm just having some alone time while FI is at bowling. The cat is cuddling with me which she only does when he is not around. He is her favorite.
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    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Night Thread</a>:
    [QUOTE]I just read one of the worst FB status conversations I've seen in a long time. On my sister's wall. She apparently just learned that when you're in the middle of a divorce, it's probably a good idea to defriend the soon-to-be-ex-H's family on FB prior to starting up the "I love you!!!!11!1!!" posts to your new boyfriend.
    Posted by akhensley81[/QUOTE]

    <div>Oh ouch. </div><div>
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Night Thread</a>:
    [QUOTE]I just read one of the worst FB status conversations I've seen in a long time. On my sister's wall. She apparently just learned that when you're in the middle of a divorce, it's probably a good idea to defriend the soon-to-be-ex-H's family on FB prior to starting up the "I love you!!!!11!1!!" posts to your new boyfriend.
    Posted by akhensley81[/QUOTE]

    it made me smirk, sorry, no meanness intended.  Yes, I am all of 12 years old tonight!
  • Home made enchiladas and a beer while I put black and white ribbon bows on a shitton of bubbles!!!
    BabyFetus Ticker
  • Don't worry, guys. I was laughing my fool head off reading through it. I actually made a jpeg of it to save it to show H just in case she deletes it later.
  • That's a tough lesson to learn there AK. I mean it's kind if common sense, but you know.
  • Lol AK. 

    I just saw a commercial for NV (weight loss product) The tag line was "Get your body back" The spokesperson? Holly Madison. 

    Does not compute.
  • AK, I knew I liked you.  heh heh, a jpeg file, neat!
  • Can I jump in? I had a really good job interview today, and have a really good feeling I'm gonna get the job (it's just a barista position at Starbucks, nuttin' fancy). I just wanted to share...hope that's okay from a Newbie like me. :P
  • Hey MK I saw your post earlier and I just want to give you a BIG **HUG**
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Night Thread</a>:
    [QUOTE]AK, I knew I liked you.  heh heh, a jpeg file, neat!
    Posted by ski2play[/QUOTE]

    Yeah for some reason saying I saved it just didn't seem cool enough. I had to throw in the jpeg.
  • Thanks AK.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Night Thread</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Night Thread : Good luck!  How long have you been looking for work?
    Posted by edielaura[/QUOTE]

    Thanks Edie! I've been looking for a long while, the trouble is I'm in school still and I participate in plays in the theatre department. It's been hard to find a place that'd hire me when I'm so busy with school.
  • I hate that you're having to deal with this MK.

  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:0e6859e5-f758-4581-8abe-acf05192452cPost:da93ebd6-9941-42f8-a11f-b040d2ebc0dd">Re: Night Thread</a>:
    [QUOTE]I hate that you're having to deal with this MK.
    Posted by strlzfan11[/QUOTE]

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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Night Thread</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Night Thread : Thanks Edie! I've been looking for a long while, the trouble is I'm in school still and I participate in plays in the theatre department. It's been hard to find a place that'd hire me when I'm so busy with school.
    Posted by LittleMissCutiePie[/QUOTE]

    I get this. The city I live has major issues with hiring students. They either over-schedule or they under schedule. The one job I had scheduled me until the second I had to be in class. Hello? I have an hour bus ride! The one place I liked working at would only give me 2 shifts a week, which wasn't horrible I guess. Except, they'd overstaff and we weren't allowed to punch in until we got a table (I was a server). If it wasn't busy, we got sent home. For a month straight, I went home on each of my shifts without working. I obviously ended up quitting. I had a car by this point and it was costing me more in gas than what I was making. I tried talking to them but they basically said "oh well, that's how it goes".

    My ' button is being really weird :S
    imageWedding Countdown Ticker
  • Yeah it sucks, but things happen for a reason. It's so cliche and doesn't help me feeling like crap for being laid off, but it's all I've got right now. I'm going to take the weekend to regroup and start fresh on Monday. 
  • Oh, MK, I just read your thread.  I'm so sorry. 
  • Hiya!  Mk-i second the second hug virtual hug I gave you earlier 

    I'm sitting here while H plays PS3. so boring. I'm so happy tomorrow is Friday.

    I'm also ready to move into our new apartment, like now. 
  • Ha, not until March 15th. I just reserved the apartment yesterday, but I am just so ready to get out of our little apartment. 
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:0e6859e5-f758-4581-8abe-acf05192452cPost:2b93e270-b085-46cf-b30d-adb2542c7481">Re: Night Thread</a>:
    [QUOTE]Yeah it sucks, but things happen for a reason. It's so cliche and doesn't help me feeling like crap for being laid off, but it's all I've got right now. I'm going to take the weekend to regroup and start fresh on Monday. 
    Posted by mkrupar[/QUOTE]

    I hear ya.  When I got laid off almost three years ago I had a four hour car trip (and a weekend with my sister) to help me wrap my brain around it.  Eventually I got to the point of realizing that it was for the best, but until I got to that point, it sucked big time.
  • I just got home from a yoga class!  I expect to lose no weight in the weightloss challenge but am planning to lose fat and gain muscle.   
  • You know what I realized really sucks about the whole thing. I drove all the way in to VA Beach (1.5 drive), worked two hours, then he came in and let me go. Like you couldn't have called me and saved me the gas? I'm probbaly more pissed about that than everything else.
  • strlzfan11strlzfan11 member
    Ninth Anniversary 1000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited January 2012
    I'm also happy that tomorrow is Friday.  I don't have any huge plans for the weekend, but I am looking forward to just relaxing at home for the first time in what feels like months.
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