Wedding Etiquette Forum

Night Thread


Re: Night Thread

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Night Thread</a>:
    [QUOTE]Is the AYG thread worth reading?
    Posted by Loopyseven[/QUOTE]

    <div>Yeah, if you like reading about poop, periods, and placenta.  </div>
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  • I seem to recall reading through part of AYG, but got sidetracked with something else.  I guess I might have to go finish it now.

    I'm now watching Remember the Titans.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:0e6859e5-f758-4581-8abe-acf05192452cPost:5d5f044b-fc7f-4850-8d31-9461cbff7d83">Re: Night Thread</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Night Thread : Yeah, they shot it into the nerve. So the initial injection part hurt like hell, but that was nothing compared to the burst of fiery burning pain that overtook my whole foot a few moments later. On a totally unrelated note - Petal, I dig your hat.
    Posted by daffodil_jill[/QUOTE]

    Ouch. I didn't have the fiery pain right after, but moreso after the numbing wore off and I had to peel gauze off a quarter-sized hole in the bottom of my toe. Actually, I take it back. The shot wasn't the worst, removing the gauze the first time was.

    I hope your heel gets better soon.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Night Thread</a>:
    [QUOTE]I got sucked in last night to reading the long AYG on SB. I can't believe that I read the whole thing.
    Posted by Ciaram22[/QUOTE]

    <div>Ugh. I read that too. Lets just say I have some great ideas for my next game of Charades. </div>
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:0e6859e5-f758-4581-8abe-acf05192452cPost:175d03b6-b685-4544-a72a-c99202793fd7">Re: Night Thread</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Night Thread : Yeah, if you like reading about poop, periods, and placenta.  
    Posted by lindseyann410[/QUOTE]

    I was just going to say "If you want to learn about all your bodily functions and what comes out your orifices."

    It was really entertaining and disgusting. I learned things.
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  • Jill my dad had a heel problem (I think it ended up being chronic). His might have been more muscular, and not nerve, but the doc recommended him wearing the adidas slide sandles with the nubby bottoms whenever he was home or going out for short trips. They helped to take the pressure off his heel and allowed the damage to heal.

    When you get back to running (because you will, I have faith), try and concentrate on running on your toes. Heel striking can cause a lot of injuries, and not just in your heels, but your ankles, shins, knees, etc. 

    Just rest for now. I know how frustrating it can be to be off your routine, but if you jump back in too soon you could cause more damage. 
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Night Thread</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Night Thread : Like that one girl from Teen Mom 2?
    Posted by edielaura[/QUOTE]

    <div>Which one? ;)</div>
  • Jill- I hope your foot (is it your leg too?) feels better soon! Did your doctor recommend any stretches or anything? I have a nerve in my elbow that gets pinchy, and my doctor told me a bunch of different ways to stretch it.

    Loopy- meh on the AYG thread. It's really long and wasn't hugely interesting.

    I'm watching the first episode of the new Bachelor and tidying up the apartment- boring night for me.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Night Thread</a>:
    [QUOTE]Jill - Cortisone shots (from what I hear) are the worst.  Hang in there.  Have you been cross training at all? Or are you sick or aqua jogging already? 
    Posted by Megbo2012[/QUOTE]
    What's aqua jogging?

    I tried doing a shorter walk the other day, but really didn't like the way it felt. So I've been keeping up with the weight training/core stuff that I do, but no cardio.
  • I started the thread, but was immediately sidetracked by the divacup thread.

  • Lissa - he didn't suggest any stretches either. Another reason I'm frustrated with him.

    I'm thinking of going back to my old orthopedic doctor, who I love, but she doesn't specialize in feet.
  • I laughed REALLY hard when Blue talked about how if someone gave her the blood art, she couldn't even throw it in the garbage.  That was amazing.
  • Muni - The LDY divacup thread that progressed? I read that one after I finished the AYG. It would have made a lot more sense had I at read some of that first.
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  • Where is there a divacup thread?
  • Meg I made it out the door in 20 second flat. Didn't say a word to anyone. I managed to make it about a hundred yards out of the parking lot before I called Lucas ugly crying about what happened. So at least I didn't lost it in there. 
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Night Thread</a>:
    [QUOTE]Muni - The LDY divacup thread that progressed? I read that one after I finished the AYG. It would have made a lot more sense had I at read some of that first.
    Posted by PetalPockets2012[/QUOTE]

    </div><div>that one is some good times.  I could have lived my entire life without learning a few phrases contained therein.</div>
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Night Thread</a>:
    [QUOTE]I laughed REALLY hard when Blue talked about how if someone gave her the blood art, she couldn't even throw it in the garbage.  That was amazing.
    Posted by Megbo2012[/QUOTE]

    <div>I did enjoy the Oprah-style "You get blood art! You get bloot art!"  I don't remember who said that though.</div>
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  • Wait, what's aqua running though? Is it something I can do in my bathtub?
  • Edie - I figured, She looks like Kim K when she cries it's not pretty

    Jill- :O! Aqua jogging is when you run in place, in a pool.  It takes about 5000 years to do 50 meters so you literally are jogging in place.  Sometimes you can get a belt but it's more challenging and "better" without it.  I'm horrific at it.  It's great cross training though because it's no impact.  
  • I somehow missed the original diva cup thread. I think it was when I first started posting on my local and month board and hadn't started lurking here.

    I thought a lot of the comments were funny, but I read it way after the fact too.
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  • H was looking at me weird while I was reading it because there were things that I was laughing at and then I would try to explain.
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  • No access to a pool. :(

    H suggested I take up swimming if this situation doesn't improve. But I really don't want to go down that road.
  • Oh I remember that diva cup thread. I'm not re-reading it though.

    Jill I think aqua running is running on a treadmill on a pool: 

    Something like that. I totally want one of these pools in my house. 
  • MK that's amazing.  I'm like an insta crier too.  I don't think I could have made it 20 seconds so I commend you on that.  Once my friend threw something at me (to catch) and it hit me hard in the nose and I insta cried.  It didn't even hurt but it was that ONE spot where I just couldn't help but tear up.  It was awesome...

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Night Thread</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Night Thread : But... but HOW??
    Posted by edielaura[/QUOTE]
    I don't even know now.
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  • I read parts of the thread aloud to FI. I think I felt that if I had to know, so did he. He was like "Why are you telling me this?"

    Edie - I love your new picture. So cute.
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  • Was the DivaCup thread a while ago, or also recently?
  • I would bawl my eyes if I lost my job. I LOVE who I work with. I love my boss. Props to you for holding it together. That's just a sh!tty situation and really poor decision making skills on your supervisor's part.
  • Yeah, I didn't want to give them the satisfaction of letting me go AND seeing me cry about it. 
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