Wedding Etiquette Forum

Wording for post-wedding brunch

Here is the wording I have so far (I'm printing this on a notecard and putting them in the OOT bags:

On Sunday morning
dont' pack and run
stay around a while
for a whole lot more fun!
Have some food and some drink
before you start your day,
and help us toast the new Mr. and Mrs.
before they're on their way!

Meet us at the Pine's pool at 10:00am

So the thing is that its not going to be a huge brunch or anything, just fruit and bagels, pastries, orange juice little things like that and I don't want to give the wrong impression.... I was thinking of changing "some food and some drink" to maybe "light brunch" or "light breakfast"?  Any ideas??

Re: Wording for post-wedding brunch

  • Some food and some drink sounds like an actual meal....

    I can't think of anything different to make it rhyme, why don't you just put 'Join us for light breakfast..."
  • Yeah, poems are kinda corny.
    I would just say, "please join us for brunch on Sunday at X at X:00"
  • edited July 2010
    My friend is doing the same thing and this is what she put on her website:


    Bagels and Goodbyes
    XXXXXX Suite
    Sunday, August 29, 2010
    Join us for bagels and breakfast-type foods before you head out!  Generously (and stupendously) hosted by some amazing (and anonymous until and if I get their persmission to post their names) family friends.

    *If you are leaving earlier, let us know and we'll make sure you get food to go! 
    If enough people need breakfast earlier, we'll start earlier!
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  • I like the poem idea.

    This is what I used:
    We'd like to spend some more time with you
    the dayafter we say "I Do"
    The wedding will be done,
    but we're not ready to stop the fun.

    Please join us between 9am and 110am on Sunday October 17th for a post-wedding brunch at _______.
  • What about "Break your fast with us"? What you've described is basically my breakfast every day, so it would be a meal for me.
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