Wedding Etiquette Forum

yet another produce question...

i have about 40 lbs of garden fresh tomatoes. I don't like salsa. Anyone have any suggestions as to what I could make with them? I've looked on the internet, but nothing seems to catch my eye. I make a wicked pasta sauce with fresh tomatoes, but not 40 lbs worth!STUPID plans planted them 1 week apart, 4 plans, they ALL turned ripe at the same time. It's been a strange summer though.

Re: yet another produce question...

  • Homemade Ketch-up? Or you could make the pasta sauce and share it with friends and family.
  • Tomato soup?  I have no clue.  How do you not like salsa though?  Salsa is one of my favorite things ever.
  • Send em my way, I'll can them for ya!Make it all into sauce and then freeze it in quart ziploc bags, that's what I do sometimes.  Slice and make sun dried tomatoes, it can be done in a hot car over two days.
  • I shouldn't say I don't like it. I don't love it enough to learn how to make it. I didn't think of making pasta sauce and sharing with family and friends, that's a good one. So is soup! I love fresh tomato soup!
  • I'm usually good at these questions from you, but I suck at tomatoes.  Maybe tomato soup? Lots of BLTs? I can't think of anything good that would last other than pasta sauce.
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  • You can roast them in the oven with a few cloves of garlic.  Yum!!
  • Baked tomatoes with almost any type of meal.  I quarter them sprinkle seasoning salt and grated cheese then bake them for about 15 minutes or so.Tomato sandwiches.Bacon tomato sandwiches.(i'd do fresh salsa)Pizza with diced tomato.  I love adding diced tomato to my pizza - cooked or fresh doesn't matter.If I make fett alfredo I always put a handful of diced tomatoes and grn onion in. 

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  • Give them away to co-workers/friends/family?  I'm always getting random produce from people. 
  • My friend makes creamy tomato basil soup, omg it's awsome.Also you could cut them up and freeze them to use for soups and chili through the winter.
  • Bruschetta? Salads with basil and fresh mozzarella slices? Amazing turkey sandwiches? Any recipe that calls for canned diced tomatoes but would be way more amazing with fresh ones? Vodka sauce?Or you could send them to me. I'd love me some tomatoes.
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  • Bruschetta My mom likes sliced tomatoes on her pizza, so maybe a cheese and tomato pizza? Caprese salad  
  • Pumpkin - the salsa I make is so easy.  Diced tomatoes, epicure salsa spice, diced red onion, diced garlic and sometimes I'll put some real jalepeno peppers in.  I don't cook it.  I make it fresh. 

    "It's shart week." -georgiabride
    "This post is seriously retarded." -Stackeye210
    Mrs & ZOMG we built a howse!
    being healthy. blog.
  • BruschettaTomato SoupTomato tartcrab/shrimp stuffed tomatoes
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  • Tomato soup, tomato sauce, canned tomatoes, bruchetta, dried tomatoes, tomato juice  Cabbage rolls?

    "You can take your etiquette and shove it!" ~misscarolb
  • Although with all the extra produce y'all... produce, I would throw that stuff in the back of the truck and go up to a busy intersection and sell it!
  • Or you could start passing out bushels of tomatoes to friends and family members. That way they don't shrivel and rot if you don't figure out what you want to do with them.
  • You can stuff them with tuna or chicken salad. Making fresh salsa isn't hard.  Just dice some onions and cut some tomatoes.  Mix with cilantro.  That's pretty much it.
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  • short term I would be buying a bunch of fresh mozzarella and eatting tomato and mozzarella salad.I would also be eatting BTL's.  I love BLT's with fresh tomatoes.For long term, pasta sauce.  Freeze the extra in small containers to have for the rest of the year.  Then you can make lasanga, pizzas, really any kind of pastas for months to come.

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
  • Thanks everyone! I also have about 4 rows of potatoes that we haven't even dug in to yet (stupid FI and his 4 different types of potatoes he just HAD to plant!). I might give some away for co-workers. We have blue, red, purple and pink potatoes. They actually look gorgeous.
  • Pumpkin - the salsa I make is so easy. Diced tomatoes, epicure salsa spiceMandy - I sell Epicure! I HATE the salsa spice though. Have you tried the bruschetta seasoning? I'm not just saying's to die for. Especially if you make the bruschetta recipe with pineapple and fresh parm.I would maybe want to do about 3 or 4 jars of canned salsa. I made pickles, pickled carrots, pickled beans, and pickled beats last week! I'm a home make this year.Fishy - you win. I think I should just start throwing them at randoms, actually.
  • I am jealous of your produce growing abilities.
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  • Oh lord.... wish you could send some this way! I miss homegrown tomatoes.I'm planting some next year, come hell or high water.
    Do not mess in the affairs of dinosaurs because you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.
    I love you Missy. Even though you are not smart enough to take online quizzes to find out really important information. ~cew
  • lynda- great idea!  I could go for a Caprese salad so bad right now.  Maybe I'll pick up some fresh basil and mozz on the way home- I think I have tomatoes.
  • It may be alot of work ( but well worth) you could can them. Have stewed tomatoes all year. Or just make the sauce and can that. HTH
  • Freeze them (remove skin and seeds first)
    No amount of education could convince Betty to be nice to possums
  • Salt - don't be. My raspberries and strawberries came from hutterites. So did my corn, actually. Our garden didn't do well this year, except cucumbers (my fave), tomatoes, and potatoes. Our peas did okay, but about half the row didn't come, same with our carrots and beats. Our corn is growing so wonderfully, but didn't produce anything!
  • Missy - when we lived in an apartment, we grew them in pots on our deck!
  • lynda- great idea! I could go for a Caprese salad so bad right now. Maybe I'll pick up some fresh basil and mozz on the way home- I think I have tomatoes. I love Caprese salad.  But rarely make it because tomatoes are almost $6 a pound down here.  Then throw in another $6 for the mozzarella, well as you can see it's not cheap.  DH does not like it either, so it just seems like a waste.  But I order it anytime I see it on the menu.

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
  • Do you like oven-dried tomatoes? They're pretty easy to make, I think. Check the google.
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