Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions

New years eve wedding

A friend of mine suggested a New years eve wedding and reception. I liked it but I'm skeptical about it. Is it a good idea?

Re: New years eve wedding

  • It's a good idea if you are willing and able to break the bank.
    AKA GoodLuckBear14
  • Our best mans sister and brother in law had a new years eve wedding and boy did they spend a pretty penny!! it was a beautiful wedding and was a huge hit with everyone, but they sure did spend a lot on it...( there venue was higher scale also) if you have the money for this than I say go for is a fun time and definitely something different than the usual new years eve party!! good luck!!
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers Photobucket
  • it will be expensive!  my friend had hers on labor day weekend and the hotel she blocked was so expensive none of the guests stayed which meant no one could even really drink.  i couldnt spend 200 on a room and then give a gift on top of it so we didnt stay either...
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Thanks. I needed that input. She(my maid of honor) was thinking I'd love it, but I was just so skeptical, though I did like the idea. But, as far as money, I'll have to ask my parents what they feel like budgeting in. If they don't have the money, I'm for sure not doing it. I don't want to break them.
  • oh this exciting! it's like everyone on earth will be celebrating the wedding!
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: New years eve wedding</a>:
    [QUOTE]Thanks. I needed that input. She(my maid of honor) was thinking I'd love it, but I was just so skeptical, though I did like the idea. But, as far as money, I'll have to ask my parents what they feel like budgeting in. If they don't have the money, I'm for sure not doing it. I don't want to break them.
    Posted by Toshi6[/QUOTE]
    Maybe you should plan what YOU can afford and not expect mom and dad to foot the bill.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: New years eve wedding</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: New years eve wedding : Maybe you should plan what YOU can afford and not expect mom and dad to foot the bill.
    Posted by pgcp[/QUOTE]

    <div>Agreed. Please don't ask your parents for money. If they wish to contribute, they will offer without your prompting.</div>
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: New years eve wedding</a>:
    [QUOTE]Thanks. I needed that input. She(my maid of honor) was thinking I'd love it, but I was just so skeptical, though I did like the idea. But, as far as money,<strong> I'll have to ask my parents what they feel like budgeting in. If they don't have the money, I'm for sure not doing it. I don't want to break them.</strong>
    Posted by Toshi6[/QUOTE]

    Have your parents already told you they'd be contributing and just haven't given you a specific budget?  If not, DON'T ask them, it's incredibly rude as you should be planning a wedding YOU can afford.

    But really, you sound skeptical of it anyways, so I'd honestly just choose a different date.
  • I used to work in a hotel and they gave great pricing for NYE weddings because they wanted to use all of their ballrooms.  I could see how guestrooms might be more expensive though.  When you are looking at the venues for your other ideal sets of dates, I'd ask if there is any pricing on New Year's.  My guess is if you aren't having your wedding in a downtown hotel, it might be cheaper.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: New years eve wedding</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: New years eve wedding : Maybe you should plan what YOU can afford and not expect mom and dad to foot the bill.
    Posted by pgcp[/QUOTE]

    <div>Well they said they are pating, but I just don't want them spending too much on me</div>
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: New years eve wedding</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: New years eve wedding : Well they said they are pating, but I just don't want them spending too much on me
    Posted by Toshi6[/QUOTE]

    <div>Why don't you ask them what they had in mind for a budget, then? It will be much easier to plan when you have actual numbers to work with.</div>
  • I've been to a NYE wedding and it was so amazing! It was at the Ritz in Chicago. Wow was it beautiful! I'm sure it was several hundreds of thousands dollars. It was so much fun!
  • PLEASE don't do a "holiday" wedding!
    Follow Me on Pinterest
    Just because you saw it on Four Weddings, doesn't mean it's a good idea.
  • Personally, I hate holiday weddings. I would expect a LOT out of a NYE wedding.
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  • Agreed... it is much much more expensive and you guests might have to cancel their holdiay plans or just nicely say "NO" to your invitation.
  • Unless you were one of my absolute nearest and dearest I would not be attending a New Year's wedding.  The holiday season is a big deal with both my and FI's families and ditching our traditions/families (and spending a lot of extra money to travel if it's not local) would not be an option. 
    Wedding Countdown Ticker LilySlim Weight loss tickers

    image 225 Invited so far!
    image 148 Are ready to party!
    image 77 Will be missing out!
    image 0 Are MIA!
  • I would stay away from the holidays. Combining Christmas, New Years Eve, and your anniversary (thinking future here) is a lot happening at once, especially once you have kids (if you are) and whatnot. I'm trying to convince my fiance that having our wedding anniversary within days of Mother's Day is not a good plan.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • A New Year's Eve wedding is expensive.  As a wedding minister, my fees alone are more than double for that day. Not that I'm trying to drive away business but I think it is better to pick a day when there is absolutely nothing else going on.  That way, that particular day is yours and yours alone.  New Year's Eve is already shared with everybody and that will not make your anniversaries feel very special to you.

  • My wedding is this New Year's Eve!!!  About 75% of invited guests are due to come, but we knew from the get-go that a lot of people wouldn't be able to make the trip due to it being on a holiday.  I wouldn't change it for anything, and have had so much fun thinking up all the cool festivities that will be done on the night.  We are starting our ceremony at 8pm and having it in the same venue as the reception.  Nothing cost us more to do it on this night.  The only thing that we didn't save on was the fiance used to work for the company, so we got a discount but they would have given us a bigger discount if it had been on a different night.  If you want a NYE wedding go for's your day!!  :)
  • I  as well worked at a hotel/conference center and our conference rooms were never in use on nye so you could probably get good pricing on that. I've been to a wedding on nye and it was amazing!! everyone got to drink and party and had 2 reasons to do it!!! on top of that, alot of people get 3 day weekends anyway so it made travel easier on thsoe who had to travel. I guess hotel prices are based on your location but with my knowledge of hotels you could find something very nice for a decent price!!

    i say go with it!!!!
  • i disagree with every message! it depends on the venue! we have a fantastic venue that cut us a huge deal for 2013 NYE WEDDING. I thought the same thing looking into it, and for some venues they do up the price. BUT, this is an up and coming date that isnt popular yet so I would shop around! There are plenty of deals, for example, our venue: 50% off the first 100 guests AND that NYE is a sunday...NOT prime time! Look into it!!!
  • My cousin had a NYE wedding and at first i complained.  I am not very close to my cousin and would have to travel from Philadelphia to Saratoga Springs, NY so I was looking forward to it at all.  It ended up being the best wedding I have been to.  I didnt really know anyone other than my immediate family but we still had a blast.  I love getting dressed up on NYE and what better than an open bar.  I just got engagned and wanted to do a NYE wedding myself but my fiance didnt want it on that date.  We ended up icking sat Dec 29th 2012 which is close enough to NYE without being NYE.  Good luck and just pick whatever makes you happy :)
  • If you need NYE favors, I have some GREAT ones!  Brand new, never been used.  Please see my classified posting on The Knot:


    PS - NYE is a great time to get married!  It's such a magical day, and your wedding will make it even more special.  :)
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:10Discussion:0e7abacc-39fd-4481-8e1c-dbd45d11f883Post:86cd766f-ef40-4ce0-971d-704f256e31fc">Re: New years eve wedding</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: New years eve wedding : Agreed. Please don't ask your parents for money. If they wish to contribute, they will offer without your prompting.
    Posted by artbyallie[/QUOTE]

    As a MOB, I certainly hope my kids can ask me/pproach me for anything.  I can always say no.  JMO but it's NOT rude to approach your parents as long as it's done respectfully, honestly.
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