Me and my fiance have dated for 2 years now. My fiance had a friend who seriously offended me twice during our courtship. He has been completely disrespectful to me (for instance he tried to trick my fiance into going to visit his ex while she was in town until my fiance got wise to him, when I got upset and asked him why he was being conniving he ignored my question and now avoids me like the plague whenever we are in speaking distance, which doesn't bother me cause i am ignoring him too). But this issue has come up. Neither my fiance or myself have any interest in inviting him, BUT my fiance's parents and his ex-friend's parents go way back. They expect to be at his wedding no matter what and my fiance's parents are old-fashioned. They believe in inviting ppl simply because they are worried about them being offended if they AREN'T invited. I have no problem inviting the ex-friend's parents, neither does my fiance... but now the ex-friend has told his parents he's looking for an invitation too. I am looking for an apology and explanation and to be honest I kinda don't need one, I just don't like him and I feel my wedding day should be full of ppl who WANT us to be together (to my knowledge at least) and respect our relationship. Am I being petty? As of right now homeboy is NOT on my A or B list.