Wedding Etiquette Forum


So, the first night I'm on P&E in a week, and crickets.I wanna chat, so...Any thoughts on Palin on Oprah?orAnyone read Beloved? Just finished it = orConfessions?I'm reaching, but I can't be the only one awake.

Re: 'Ello?

  • Hey there!I don't watch Oprah. I don't read unless it's nonfiction/books about cities.I have a shiitton of homework to do that I'm not near caught up on. Ugh.There are probably a few people still up.
  • Hi! I'm awake too, and I see we are both on the West Coast which explains why...stupid time zonesI won't comment on Palin but my only comment on Oprah is that from time to time she has guests who offer "medical advice" that is AWFUL! So my comment about her is to thoroughly research any advice celebrities spout on her show, as well as any other show for that matter!I've never read Beloved, is it good? Confessions....the only one I can think of is that my wedding is just over 7 months away and I haven't booked ANYTHING except my photographer. The knot keeps yelling at me that I have "overdue" tasks and everyone on my Month/Year board has almost all their planning completed and I keep slacking...Not a great confession I know, but I'm new at this :)
  • J&S, you're doing better than some people at 7 months. Don't sweat it too much. :) I'm probably going to procrastinate until the last last LAST minute in finding a dress. Bad me.
  • dream- I am guilty of homework procrastination too. The closer the semester gets to ending the harder it is for me to concentrate.J&S- Beloved is good, but you have to push through the first 100 pages. I read it because I had to for Am lit, otherwise I would have given up, definitely a difficult read, but worth it.
  • Yea,  have about 7 moths too.Ii did so much planning this summer that I'm kinda over it now, until the semester is over. I feel like a "bad" bride but I'm just not motivated right now.
  • Dream- I suspected that the people on the July 10 board might just be overly ambitious, and it helps to know other people agree with me :) thanksPinot- I'll check it out and add it to my "To Read"'s a long one. I love reading but hardly have the time during the school seasonI am actually supposed to be studying for a midterm right now. I have the book open on my lap, pen and highlighter ready, and the laptop on top of all of it...completely ignoring it
  • I'm alright with Palin. Oprah is ok too. I haven'tI have no confessions.I did just save $20 on my contacts by price matching though :D
  • P&S- damn midterms... I think they're harder than finals, I feel like I'm more motivated for finals than for midterms.Roxy, right on with the saved $20, contacts are expensive! I need to make an appt actually, good reminder...
  • Umm, yea, I meant J&S, damn KUI
  • UGH, I have an art history test in the morning, but whatevs. I'm so over this semester, especially since FI and I are moving up to Ohio in like 3 weeks and have that to worry about as well. Not so much a confession, but I'm watching House Hunters/For Rent etc. and these people have the most boring tastes. Stainless steel this, granite that yadda yadda. Lame. I want to see someone who wants SHAG CARPET WALLS DAMMIT.
  • Haha ya, I'm not motivated for any of least this is my fifth and last year (haha)Shag carpet walls would be amazing
  • shag carpet walls, eh?Sounds too cool for me. :)My best friend in high school had magenta shag carpeting in her room though. And I was suuuper jealous.true story.
  • JS- last year, woohoo! What's your degree?
  • BS in Human Biology with a minor in Philosophy...ya, I'm well rounded hahaI can see by clicking on your name that you are almost finished as well. I have to wait til June though, but I graduate the day after my birthday so that will be pretty nice
  • Wow, right on! FI is a science man and my eyes glaze over when he talks about his degree. Totally opposite minds, but we complement each other.Graduating right before your bday sounds pretty good, what a party!Yup, not much more than a month til I graduate, but it's been a long time coming :)
  • right after your birthday, I mean. WTF reading comprehension.
  • I'm jealous of you guys now, I still have two years. I'm ready to be done. Or at least go to grad school.
  • Ya I know what you mean, FI is a musician. Sometimes he will find articles that talk about science-related stuff and bring it to me and ask me to explain it. It's really cute because he kind of just smiles and nods and I'm not sure if I'm making sense or not, but I appreciate the interest anyway.Congrats on almost finishing! Do you get a ceremony or do you not care? :)
  • Oh haha I didn't even noticeDream- you will get there...what are you going to school for?
  • Dream- You will get there, It took me waaay longer than it should have, but I'm so happy I stuck with it.JS, not having a graduation ceremony per say, but a small dinner with close family in December.The college only "walks" in May, and I would feel weird inviting a bunch of people because my wedding is in June. I would rather them come to my wedding than to a grad party.
  • Urban planning- concentration in housing/policy. I got the opportunity to do undergraduate research with a professor and there's a possibility of getting published. It's all for the sake of financing that pesky grad school one day, hehe.One day I'll name your streets horrible, horrible things for my entertainment. ;)  
  • Makes sense. I never though about having both so close together...I probably won't invite many people to the graduation, it's more or less a silly ritual I want to go through and get pictures of haha
  • Haha awesome, that sounds pretty fun
  • Meh, it's more math than I'd care to learn (or was expecting, silly me!). And not the awesome math that's some formula all set up for you to solve. Statistics stuff that makes me want to stab my corneas out with a pencil.
  • I really liked all the math I had to take...except statistics, urgh I feel for you. But hopefully the rest of the work outweighs the math and it is worth itOk ladies, thanks for the entertainment, but my brain has stopped working haha so I'm going to sleep...Night!
  • Publish or perish, Dream, publish or perish. J/k, Publishing is serious business around here though, that's an awesome opportunity. Remember Pinot is a good name for nearly anything.
  • I am awake and on "lurking" like usual. I saw enough only to know Palin was on Oprah, didn't watch it. I don't read books....mostly on boards all the time and confession-- I need to start going to sleep before 2am.. the last week I've been going to sleep between 5 n 6am. It just keeps getting later. This needs to change back to 2-3am by 4 the latest. FI just got home "1:30am" from work so that is why we're always awake late. During which I'm always online.
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  • Thanks for chatting JS, I would have kept up better if I wasn't such a Luddite. I'm trying though!
  • I feel you on the sleep thing ppg. It'll get better come winter. That's hibernating time!I'm a night owl and just live by the motto 'you can sleep when you're dead.'
  • Heh Luddite, had to look that one up! You did not put me to sleep, my long day did :) Ok I'm goin I'm goin
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