Wedding Etiquette Forum

Do you know...


Re: Do you know...

  • Yes, I know exactly how much my ring was appraised for, since I manage the insurance.I have no clue what he actually paid or how he paid for it.  I manage our money, so I just asked if it was something that he took out some random no-interest credit card for that we had to pay on and he said no.  (Just wanted to make sure no random bills were popping up). And that was that.
  • Mine isn't even insured. Never even thought about it until now
  • Money: Yeah, he laughed when he saw what they appraised it for so i know this is true. eh, I'll get over it but I am glad it is insured now so it was worth it!Though now I need some wine to calm my anxiety over this post :-P it is almost like playing telephone watching what people take out of your words and how they are interpreted (I'm new to this)
  • Ditto Fische.  Mine is insured for the appraisal value, as is all of my jewelry.  I have jewelry passed down through my family that there would be no receipt for. How would your insurance company handle that?  Doesn't make sense.
  • wine and cheesecake sounds divine.  Totally makes up for the lack of love from my FI.
  • I know how much mine cost for insurance/not losing it purposes.
  • I totally agree. I'm basically playing a praying game until we get married. I am switching over to his insurance and I should be able to get it at the appraised value at that point. I just never ever take it off unless I'm at home. Ever. I realize more could happen to it, like the diamond coming out, but I get it cleaned every time I go to the mall and they check it then, so that helps.
    "In the old days my ass would be in your back yard picking cotton, so excuse me if I don't put much stock in how f*cking awesome the old days were." -Nuggs
  • Sorry, EG, but this:I knew he loved me but geezeIs hard to misinterpret.
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  • Lovethebeach: that is a good way of looking at it. I know what you mean though, I am definitely not into spending large amounts on very tiny things :-P Thrift stores are my main shopping place :-P
  • Fish: Ahhh Ok, I see that, what I meant was "I can't believe he spent that much on me when three months before he said he couldn't imagine ever spending that much on a piece of jewelry" though that might have been a hard thing to read between the lines :-P
  • My first ring I knew how much it was because I was standing next to him when he bought it.My second ring I also know how much he paid for it because the jewellery store printed it on the certificate of purchase which also doubles as the inspection record.  I have not seen the appraisal amount yet as I haven't got around to having it insured yet. (I should get on that this week)And no I don't feel guilty about the price of either one.  The first one was ridiculously inexpensive and the second one was well within what he could afford to spend.
  • I know how much he paid for mine because he showed me the receipt. He has terrible buyer's remorse and didn't regret buying my ring at all and it was the most expensive thing he's bought, other than his truck. I also know how much it's appraised for because I had to go get it done for insurance.
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  • I know how much mine is worth. My center diamond is from my MIL DH only paid for the setting. Still a lot of money but I did not freak out.

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
  • Well thank you all for assuaging my anxiety about this. (I don't want to post and ditch so goodnight!) Now I am off to wine and cheese it up with my FI.
  • Yup, sure do. We plan all our finances together so it didn't occur to me not to know after the fact. I could have killed him when I found out how much, but I am thrilled with my ring :)
  • I knew almost right away as our finances had already been combine for over a year - There was no real way for me not to know. You could have gotten a nice car instead of my ring, which made me feel weird at first to have something that expensive on my finger, but I got over that pretty quickly :) I think my DH did a perfect job - Designed it himself with their family jeweler and did a lot of research for the stones - Couldn't have been happier.
  • I know how much my ring cost. I picked it out and the price was one of my considerations. But also, we got it in Australia and since the ring was coming back to the US with me, the receipt was made out in my name and I got the GST back on the purchase as I left the country. Even though I picked it out and I made the choice, I still cannot believe he paid that much for a trinket for my finger. Other people may equate the size of my not-diamond ring with how much he loves me (not at all apparently) but I know better.
    I don't mind being held to a higher standard; I mind being held to a lower one. (Sam Seaborn, The West Wing)
  • Someone mentioned wine and cheesecake ????
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