I'm having a hard time dealing with the fact that my fiances parents are being less than generous about helping us pay for the wedding. At first his dad said he would help us, but never gave us a definite amount that he would be willing to contribute. Fiance's parents are divorced and not at all civil, and everything is a 'he said, she said' situation that has to go through my fiance as if he's the messenger. His father will now only help us by giving whatever his mother can give...which is not much, as she's getting re-married herself and is buying a home this year. I wouldn't be upset if it was more of a financial issue but it seems to be more like just a selfish and childish act of "i'm not doing it unless she does it".
On top of that, fiance's parents (mostly his dad) are very traditional and set in their ways. I have a feeling they think that my parents should be paying for everything. F's dad doesn't see the point in helping to pay for a grandiose one-day weddding when he could instead help us buy a house or something in the future. This being said, I would still like to know (and i think I have a right to know) what exactly his contribution to us might be before we start really planning and paying for things.
Whatever they are willing to contribute, i am certainly appreciative of it. However, it's a bunch a run around and I've not been able to get a definite answer from his side of the family...it's obviously going to affect how we budget things for the wedding.
Am i over reacting? How do I deal with this situation without getting involved and /or having a backlash and huge fight with my fiance? I'm sure this is a typical situation as far as 'who pays for what'.... help