Wedding Etiquette Forum


Never try to put stud earrings on while standing in front of a sink :(

The super is on his way now to take apart the pipes and I'm an idiot.


  • Aww...I hope you get it back!
  • Yep. I've done this. Luckily it was not a pair of earrings I cared enough about to want someone to take apart the plumbing.

    I hope you get it back, oot!!
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  • I'm always so scared I'll do that, I have to move away from the sink when I put on jewelry or mess with my rings.  I'm klutzy, it would just be a matter of time. 

    One time in high school, I took off a ring my brother had given me for my birthday in my car.  It went flying out of my hand and down into the gear shifter never to be seen again.  :(

    I hope your super can get it back for you!
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  • My mom always taught me to close the drain thingy.  I still do it to this day.

    Hope you get them out, oot!
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  • Awww :(
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  • I'm with salt on this---this has happened many a time to me, but nothing worth my patients to take the sink apart.

    GL, oot!!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Awww. GL!

    I have also done this. Lost a pair of diamond studs this way. I lost the replacement pair in a car wash vacuum cleaner. Embarassed I think I win biggest idiot. I have heirloom diamonds studs now that H gave me and I have nightmares about losing them.
  • I can't count the times I have told M to be more careful of her rings.  She would take them off at the kitchen sink and put them on the window ledge.  I even bought her a ring holder to put thgere.

    Now she does it.   I give such great advice, I should follow some of it myself
  • Hope you get them back oot! I did this once with a necklace and was lucky enough to get it back out
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  • At least it wasn't the toilet...
    Holy Crap. We survived the first year!
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  • well, he got it.  It didnt pass the U in the pipes.

    and that's one large tip three weeks before handing out the Christmas tips.

  • I think if I don't listen to you, you'll see me writing that my wedding rings went down into the plumbing when I went to shower tomorrow morning.

    Note to self:  into the dresser jewelry box!
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: PSA</a>:
    [QUOTE]I think if I don't listen to you, you'll see me writing that my wedding rings went down into the plumbing when I went to shower tomorrow morning. Note to self:  into the dresser jewelry box!
    Posted by banana468[/QUOTE]

    banana, the Waterford store at Clinton Crossing outlets has the ring holders for about $22.  They're very pretty so no need to disguise it elsewhere.

    Also, they're having a 20% off sale for all merchandise.  Even stuff already on sale
  • At least he found it! And you reminded me to check my studs that DH gave me that I only take out to clean one had a crooked back, and could have fallen out, so thanks for that!

    When I was in art school, I accidentally dropped a bracelet in the toilet one day. I couldn't bring myself to reach in and get it out, so I left it. I went back to class and told everyone what happened, and a girl came in less than 3 minutes later, telling everyone she found a bracelet in the hallway and she was keeping it. It was the potty bracelet.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: PSA</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: PSA : banana, the Waterford store at Clinton Crossing outlets has the ring holders for about $22.  They're very pretty so no need to disguise it elsewhere. Also, they're having a 20% off sale for all merchandise.  Even stuff already on sale
    Posted by ootmother2[/QUOTE]

    Ooh good to know!  I didn't take DH in there last weekend when we were shopping but we did get some great deals there at the Banana outlet (tee hee) and also at Kenneth Cole.

    I giggled at the waiting line to get into Coach!

    And yet, I still want to make a trip back one night after work to see what deals I can get.   A ring holder may not be a bad idea!
  • My drain is wide open (no stopper), but it never bothered me- until I got my ring.  So I bought one of those little mesh catchers to put over it, just in case!
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  • 2 weeks ago, I got a $450 Kate Spade bag for $149 and a Coach checkbook holder for $47.  I went mid day on my way home from Massachusetts.  Dead as a doornail.  I guess odd hours a the key

    Kenneth Cole had great blouses on sale and Cole Haan was 50% off the  entire store.  I want to stop there again when I go up for the weekend of the 18th.

    Didn't even see the Banana Republic but my walking still isn't 100% but I'll catch it next time
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