Wedding Etiquette Forum

NWR: Weird baby things

This just popped up in my FB feed from Shiit My Kids Ruined and I thought it was funny:

How do people come up with this stuff?

Re: NWR: Weird baby things

  • I'm going to guess someone with a baby girl that everyone always assumes is a boy.
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • OMG I love that hanging harness thing. I would hang him up all day and do the cleaning. Wow... just wow.

  • Freaky.
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    6.6.12 | 7 lbs 9 oz | 20 inches
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:1331e40c-822a-4f09-a6b0-e13f7a61a145Post:87ce9e1d-8def-477d-9510-f206c22de445">Re: NWR: Weird baby things</a>:
    [QUOTE]OMG I love that hanging harness thing. <strong>I would hang him up all day and do the cleaning.</strong>Wow... just wow. EW TODDLER URINAL
    Posted by ahhhitsshannyn[/QUOTE]

    Ooops just kidding, I just found the baby riding vacuum. Now I can relax and the baby can clean for me. :)
  • The riding vacuum is pretty genius.
  • Ugh. I'm already in baby hating/obnoxious parent hating mode today, because of H's cousin's FB status. Which is "UGH, let's move on to a new subject. 39 weeks! So ready for Lily to get here!" Guess what asshole? In the grand scheme of things, bin Laden getting killed > your kid's birthday. Sorry.
    Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:1331e40c-822a-4f09-a6b0-e13f7a61a145Post:ae4d130a-93e4-4453-b535-938a9368686d">Re: NWR: Weird baby things</a>:
    [QUOTE]Ugh. I'm already in baby hating/obnoxious parent hating mode today, because of H's cousin's FB status. Which is "UGH, let's move on to a new subject. 39 weeks! So ready for Lily to get here!" Guess what asshole? In the grand scheme of things, bin Laden getting killed /> your kid's birthday. Sorry.
    Posted by laurenclaire1386[/QUOTE]

    Are you fuucking kidding me!!!?? What a biitch. I have already biitched at someone for saying "oBama, oSama, how weird is that??!!" UHHH REALLY? People are idiots.
  • My newsfeed is more of the "I want to see the body!" and "Why did Obama wait so long to act" I've been so tempted to comment back "I bet George W could have found him quicker! Oh wait..."
  • Shannyn, I totally get being excited that you're about to have a kid. I imagine that at 39 weeks with the kind of heat we have down here, she's pretty miserable. And by no means do I mean to say that EVERY facebook status must be about bin Laden. But fuuck, if you're going to acknowledge it, how about you don't try to make it less important than what you've got going on in your own life and/or uterus, as the case may be? Which, let's face it, millions of people have done before and you're not gonna get a fucking medal for it.
    Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
  • My daughters were both bald until at least 18 months.  I could put them in pink/ruffles/flower/lace/ribbons and people would STILL ask how old my little boy was.  I finally pierced my younger daughter's ears and that didn't stop it.  She had to grow hair before people put it together that she was a girl. 

    I don't think I would have put bangs on her.  That's crazy!

    She's 23 now, and obviously a girl...
    C+D, Four kids, two kids-in-law, four grandkids
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: NWR: Weird baby things</a>:
    [QUOTE]My newsfeed is more of the "I want to see the body!" and "Why did Obama wait so long to act" I've been so tempted to comment back "I bet George W could have found him quicker! Oh wait..."
    Posted by Jill9288[/QUOTE]

    One of my FB friends posted the fake picture of a dead Obama that's been making the rounds for years.  Not what I need to see in my news feed.
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