For a handknit scarf? Assuming that you can't knit yourself.
My younger sister knit herself a beautiful 12-foot, multi-colored scarf right before Christmas, and posted a picture of it on FB. She got about six people asking her to make them scarves, and offering to pay her. She originally thought she would charge $35 plus shipping, but now discovered that each scarf is going to cost her $20 for the yarn. Since each scarf takes her 4 - 7 days to knit (depending on her work schedule), this means she'll be taking home $15 (about $2.50 per day of work).
I personally think that is ridiculous. It's a 12-foot, handknit scarf, and I think that effort is worth more than $15. She's hesitant to ask for more because she feels that asking for more than $35 total would be greedy. I don't know if she's off-base, or I am.
What do you think?

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