Yesterday morning at Starbucks I was reading over someone's shoulder as I waited for my drink and saw an article about getting married at Ozzfest.
I found an article about here:
linkFor $2,666 you can get married at Ozzfest and they give you tour tshirts and a gift, as well as a cake and a champagne toast. The catch is that the package only allows for 10 people total, including the B&G.
For that amount of money, I could have a
really nice party for the 10 people and this package doesn't really give that much for the money, but if you are a fan of Ozzfest I can see how it would be appealing (there are already 3 weddings scheduled for the tour). Note: there is no guarantee that you will get married on stage or that you will meet Ozzy.
So if your favorite band/artist was offering a package like this, would you do it or not?