Wedding Etiquette Forum

Getting Married at Ozzfest?

Yesterday morning at Starbucks I was reading over someone's shoulder as I waited for my drink and saw an article about getting married at Ozzfest.

I found an article about here: link

For $2,666 you can get married at Ozzfest and they give you tour tshirts and a gift, as well as a cake and a champagne toast. The catch is that the package only allows for 10 people total, including the B&G.

For that amount of money, I could have a really nice party for the 10 people and this package doesn't really give that much for the money, but if you are a fan of Ozzfest I can see how it would be appealing (there are already 3 weddings scheduled for the tour). Note: there is no guarantee that you will get married on stage or that you will meet Ozzy.

So if your favorite band/artist was offering a package like this, would you do it or not?

Re: Getting Married at Ozzfest?

  • I think the package would be more enticing if he was actually going to do the officiating. Or if you could be guaranteed to meet him. To me, this package feels like you are paying a lot for the venue and the tone of the event. But I would want to meet the band if I got married at their concert. Heck, I would want photos with them with me in my wedding dress!
  • I bet he will officiate one wedding for publicity.  That's usually how these things work. 

    For $2,666 I would throw a dinner party at the nicest restaurant in town, and I would buy a few bottles of Dom Perignon. 
  • I said "No way", but not because I think that's a lot of money.  I just wouldn't want to get married at a concert.
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