Wedding Etiquette Forum

where do you get your motivation?

What do you tell yourself when you don't want to do something, but you know you have to. 

I am desperate for some tips.  I am a terrible procrastinator, especially when it's something I don't want to do.

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Re: where do you get your motivation?

  • I promise myself I only have to do any task for 10 minutes. Then I set a start time. Once I start, I never stop at 10 minutes, so the task gets done. It always works, which probably makes me an idiot for being able to trick myself so easily every single time.
  • For tasks I make lists.  I really enjoy crossing things off. 

    For exercising I sometimes have to just make myself do it and promise myself it'll be over in 20 minutes.  Nothing about exercising is so bad that I can't endure it for 20 minutes.

    Mostly I try to visualize the outcome.  And now that I'm seeing results from my workout, that's motivation in itself.
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  • That works for me too, Bec!  But for me, it'll be something like I need to clean, so I say, Ok, I'll just pick up the living room and vacuum, and then I can stop.  But once I get started I just keep going, and before I know it, the bathroom is clean and the dishes are done too.

    I've also found I procrastinate less on cleaning since I discovered it's fun to play music and dance while I clean.  I probably look like a loon, but I don't mind cleaning as much now!  So maybe if you can find a way to make whatever you're lacking motivation for a little more enjoyable, that will help too.
  • I try to involve other people (DH, friends, co-workers) in whatever I'm trying to do. If I feel like someone else is counting on me I'm much better at getting things done.

    Examples--running with a friend, agreeing with DH that we'll clean the house together one night, scheduling meetings with co-workers where we discuss partially completed deliverables.
  • Bec's made me smile.

    I make a list and I start with the hardest thing on it. I promise myself that once I get that off my plate I'll feel much less anxious and instead I end up goign through the whole list. I can not stop. If I stop for 2 minutes to answer the phone/check email/watch tv.. it's all over. I've been yelled at because I was cleaning the apartment and refused to pickk up the phone because I know I'll plop on the couch and chat and lose focus.
  • I tell myself they'll take away my paycheck if I don't go to work.  Oh, wait. . . not quite what you're asking.

    I find some negative consequence of NOT doing it and I focus on how crappy that would be.  Like, not looking attractive in my dress, so I work out.  Or, disappointing someone, so I do whatever they're going to appreciate.
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