OK, so I have two wonderful kids ages 7 and 5 (they will be 8 and 6 at time of wedding) and obviously they will be at my wedding. However, I am planning on having a sitter take them to a kids room to play or something so they are not under foot and the adults can enjoy themselves.
I have a few friends that I am very close to and see their kids all the time and would be more then happy to have at the wedding hanging in the kids room with my kids (as they play with each other all the time anyways). But i have some people on my guest list that have like 3 or 4 kids that I really don't know and maybe have seen in passing a few times. Would it be rude to not invite the kids (how would one go about doing that anyways).
We want about 125 guests and right now we are at 206 and a lof of that extra is extra kids. I rather plan for all the kids and have enough stuff but I really don't think we can afford the 81 extra people.
The guest list right now is at the very first stage with out talking to anyone so i am sure the numbers will go down (I like to over plan too). But I am not sure I want all these extra kids at my wedding that I don't know.