Wedding Etiquette Forum

Have any funny/::face palm:: FB updates?

This is a link someone liked:

Altho, the networks could have waited for the news - instead of breaking into the last 15 minutes of prime-time to talk AT us for 50 minutes while waiting for the President...

have fun bangin those virgins osama

Wish I had a dollar for every one of you guys that jacked up Obama and Osama in your status updates. It's one letter I know...but it makes all the difference. ; )

(in response) My fingers typed Obama and I had to go back and change it. Not sure which one of the two has done more damage to the country

Just saw a beach ball bouncing around the crowd outside the whitehouse. Someone was PREPARED.

God bless MURICA!!!

We spend 10 years searching for the fucker and he was livin' it up in a mansion. Go figure.

Dear Osama, Gotcha! Love, Foursquare

Welp, it took long enough. Silly Bin laden. all that hiding for nothing.

Can I get aloe and sunscreen through security now? Have you SEEN my pale legs, TSA?

Obama's rebuttal to Trump's nonsense is gansta. Interrupting Celebrity Apprentice to announce Bin Laden's death. Best. Comeback. Ever

"In the old days my ass would be in your back yard picking cotton, so excuse me if I don't put much stock in how f*cking awesome the old days were." -Nuggs

Re: Have any funny/::face palm:: FB updates?

  • Some of those are pretty funny!  I decided to just go the patriotic route and support our troops.  No silly FB statii for me.
  • I'm getting tired of people posting that god-awful picture of OBL.  It's clearly photoshopped. 

    Other than that, just a bunch of junk, it's really making me shake my head.
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  • I liked this one:

    Yo Osama...hide yo' kids, hide yo' wife, cuz the USA HAS YOUR ASS.
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  • Mostly junk.  There is this gem: Bord sum1 hit me up. 


    Also, my lovely MIL posted a pic of the statue of liberty holding OSL's head.  That pretty much grossed me out for the morning.
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    "Halloween may have loose women scantily clad...
    But Christmas has a pregnant virgin.

    Way cooler." - anna.oskar
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:16c4f04d-508b-4666-94a3-e1828cd69954Post:c2cbb8f1-cade-4483-941f-8b6bcb2bbba2">Re: Have any funny/::face palm:: FB updates?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I'm getting tired of people posting that god-awful picture of OBL.  It's clearly photoshopped.  Other than that, just a bunch of junk, it's really making me shake my head.
    Posted by FutureMrsFezz[/QUOTE]

    I've heard tell of that, but haven't seen it yet, thank goodness.
    "In the old days my ass would be in your back yard picking cotton, so excuse me if I don't put much stock in how f*cking awesome the old days were." -Nuggs
  • Hahaha
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  • My Canadian friend (there's a federal election going on).

    "so many statuses im so confused did bin laden forget to vote or something?"
  • Not a facebook update, but my friend IMed me that Obama was dead...I flipped svit...I googled and informed her that Osama was dead, not Obama.  It was funnier at the moment.
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  • cenglecengle member
    1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary
    My favorite so far has been:

    Osama's last words: Wait, so you are telling me that Facebook now has a check-in function? All I have to do is click this button? Sweet!

    And then another friend commented on it:

    If only he had changed his privacy settings.

    I laughed, probably more than what was appropriate
  • cenglecengle member
    1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary
    And then the same friend also wrote this:

    CNN is reporting that Osama's body has been buried at sea. Meanwhile, conspiracy theorists no doubt will be saying "No body? Aha, he must not really be dead." I am sure that we will begin to get reports of people seeing him at McDonald's ordering a Big Mac combo along with Biggie and Tupac.

  • My favorite so far had been "RIP Osama bin Laden: hide and go seek world champion 2001-2011."
    Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Have any funny/::face palm:: FB updates?</a>:
    [QUOTE]My favorite so far had been "RIP Osama bin Laden: hide and go seek world champion 2001-2011."
    Posted by laurenclaire1386[/QUOTE]

    HAHAHA!!! Love it!
    BabyFetus Ticker
  • I saw someone with the hide and go seek status, too.  That made me chuckle.
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  • Haha my favorite is the last one.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Have any funny/::face palm:: FB updates?</a>:
    [QUOTE]My favorite so far had been "RIP Osama bin Laden: hide and go seek world champion 2001-2011."
    Posted by laurenclaire1386[/QUOTE]

    Haha, I like that.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Have any funny/::face palm:: FB updates?</a>:
    [QUOTE]My favorite so far had been "RIP Osama bin Laden: hide and go seek world champion 2001-2011."
    Posted by laurenclaire1386[/QUOTE]

    That's excellent.
  • mkruparmkrupar member
    5000 Comments Third Anniversary 5 Love Its
    My one friend has, "Current US Threat Level - Confetti"

    This was posted by my cousin:

    "Note to the tipster that turned in OBL - ask for a cashier' s check to avoid the bounced bounty check. The US is in overdraft."
  • Oh, we're going. He's gonna have to suck it up.

    Anna, not even when they get decapitated on Space Mountain! He didn't die til he was off of Disney grounds ;-)
  • Disney also wouldn't be my #1 choice if I was a terrorist.

    Plus, to do anything really bad they would need more than a few weeks time to plan.
  • This is from a guy who I grew up with that has had some witty status updates:

    I exercise amazing restraint when it comes to stupid Facebook comments-- but to the truther, and the guy who is pondering whether Osama Bin Laden is a Christ-Like scapegoat for a massive government cover-up, oh man--maybe you guys should go take your gold and emergency food supply to an underground bunker and shut up for the next 100 years.
  • mkruparmkrupar member
    5000 Comments Third Anniversary 5 Love Its
    I wish I could like that right now Birdie.
  • I have not seen that yet, Beach, and I'm glad.

    Just saw this on a friend's status:
  • "after this weekend 'we didn't start the fire' needs a whole new verse"
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Have any funny/::face palm:: FB updates?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I liked this one: Yo Osama...hide yo' kids, hide yo' wife, cuz the USA HAS YOUR ASS.
    Posted by laurenpm[/QUOTE]

    This is pretty hilarious - especially because I read today that he got arrested over the weekend for pot possession.  One of the comments said, "hide yo' week, hide yo' pot" I've had that stupid you tube song in my head all day. 
  • Facepalms:

    President Obama, why did you wait until now to act on intel from August?

    We should wrap his body in an American flag and drag it through the streets

    I think we should build a monument for the day we killed him. Then bury his ass right in front of that monument so everyone can spit and walk all over his grave
  • I had the hide and seek one up, god it made me laugh.

    And also the tweet from Jesus: "No, no. Wrong gates Osama."
  • No one should be surprised that Antoine Dodson likes the MJ.
    Whatever you hatters be hattin. -Tay Prince
  • cenglecengle member
    1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary
    Oh Hlq, those make me want to run my head through a wall.
  • From a good friend of mine:

    How can the WH prove to the Birthers that the body is REALLY Bin Laden and not just a homeless dude poached to help Obama get reelected?

    Suck it, Bush.

    Thanks, Pakistan, you diicks. Unless, of course, you told us where he was, then ixnay on the diicks thing.

  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Have any funny/::face palm:: FB updates?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Facepalms: President Obama, why did you wait until now to act on intel from August? We should wrap his body in an American flag and drag it through the streets I think we should build a monument for the day we killed him. Then bury his ass right in front of that monument so everyone can spit and walk all over his grave
    Posted by Jill9288[/QUOTE]

    <div>Wow...for seriously?! That's a bit intense/scary </div>
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