Wedding Etiquette Forum

S.O.S. - Missing photographer!

Hi All
Be sure to keep an eye on your photographer on your big day. Sadly, some brides have had their photographer used by cheap family manners in the ultimate attempt at bad etiquette to take actual family photos of themselves and their kids. *sigh* So wrong. So don't be surprised if you get those prints back with some unexpected results thrown in. Work with your photographer and provide them a list of what specific shots you want and what sort of photos you don't. When the photographer is tied up taking unwanted shots, there is real potential for him to run out of time to take the shots you wanted. So mind your manners and if you want a family photo, call Sears.
Best of luck all!

Re: S.O.S. - Missing photographer!

  • I dont understand the first half of this AT ALL, the second half is common sense, but thanks... i guess?
  • Are you from Bella photos or whatever that emails me 56 times a week about the $4800 package I could win?
  • Some One Special - Missing Photographer Undecided
  • tidetraveltidetravel member
    Ninth Anniversary 5000 Comments
    edited December 2009
    Of course, if you did your research, hired a good photographer, and actually maintained communication with them throughout the planning process, this won't happen.

    And even if it does, what's the big deal?  They're there to photograph your wedding day, which usually includes the guests.  If you get a few family shots, so what? 
    Holy Crap. We survived the first year!
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickersLilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • I am confused by the SOS too.  Maybe they meant PSA?
  • I'm pretty sure our photographer took some photos of other families at the wedding.  He also got all the shots of us that we wanted, so why should I care?  I'm not going to buy the photos of the other people, so I'm not out any money.
  • Oh andalso: any decent photographer should not be spineless and acquiesce to every person who wants their picture taken.  One with a backbone would take the normal amount (what Tide said) and beyond that, have the balls to say, "Sorry, this isn't YOUR day!!!!!"
  • This sounds really goofy, but my photog actually took a ton of pictures of the guests that were good looking and photogenic and not very many of the others. (there were lots of pics of immediate family, of course, b/c I identified them in advance)

    I'm imagining she didn't do it on purpose, but it's kind of amusing and obvious when I look at the roll. Or maybe those were just the pics that turned out and made her editing cut, I'm not sure...
  • You're stupid.

    Have a nice day!
    AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:1998b649-5c7e-4c0c-83dd-c58e81471e7cPost:289e10cd-8385-4a1a-af2b-192a8d323105">Re: S.O.S. - Missing photographer!</a>:
    [QUOTE]You're stupid. Have a nice day!
    Posted by salt78[/QUOTE]

    This is my favorite post this week.
  • This was your first post on theknot?
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: S.O.S. - Missing photographer!</a>:
    [QUOTE]You're stupid. Have a nice day!
    Posted by salt78[/QUOTE]

    Salt: It's early, I'm cranky and you just totally made me smile.
  • i'm all sorts of confused on how this random post made it to the etiquette board!
  • I'm confused also.  I thought this would be about a photographer that went missing and she needs and emergency backup.  Missing to me implies not there.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: S.O.S. - Missing photographer!</a>:
    [QUOTE]This sounds really goofy, but my photog actually took a ton of pictures of the guests that were good looking and photogenic and not very many of the others. (there were lots of pics of immediate family, of course, b/c I identified them in advance) I'm imagining she didn't do it on purpose, but it's kind of amusing and obvious when I look at the roll. Or maybe those were just the pics that turned out and made her editing cut, I'm not sure...
    Posted by ac_in_dc[/QUOTE]

    The photographers at my friend's wedding did the same thing and it was one of the reasons why I didn't hire them. I want my photographer to capture the joy of this event and all of our friends and family there in one place. I don't care at all about having an album full of photogenic people only. This reminds me of women who ask their bridesmaids to be in the wedding because they're pretty, and leave out some of their best friends who may not be as photogenic.
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