Wedding Etiquette Forum

bridal shower thank yous

When you do your thank you's for your bridal shower, does just the bride sign them or the bride and groom?  Thanks!
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Re: bridal shower thank yous

  • I just signed them since the shower was thrown in my honor.
  • He didn't attend, so I was thinking of writing something like Eric and I really appreciate your generous gift... but just sign my name.  Does that make sense?
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  • I wrote "Mr Bay and I appreciate" and signed my name.

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  • For engagement and wedding gifts, FI or I write the note, depending on who the guest is.  Only the author of the note signs, but we mention each other in the note.  It doesn't seem genuine to me to sign someone else's name or to have someone just add on their name at the end after the note is written.  

    I'll write all the shower thank you notes (which I will be starting soon...shower was yesterday!), since the shower was in my honor and my FI wasn't there.  They'll go something like, "Dear so-and-so, Thank you for the lovely picture frame.  FI and I look forward to displaying our favorite wedding photo in it for years to come.  It was wonderful to see you at the shower, and FI and I look forward to celebrating with you.  Love, jessicabessica"  
  • For shower gifts, he attended but the shower was technically thrown in my honor, so I wrote and signed the notes, but mentioned him in the body of the note.

    For engagement and wedding gifts, we each wrote thank yous to our own people and signed both names. I know the correct way according to standard etiquette is that just one person signs those notes too, but I've only once received a note like that and frankly thought it was just weird -- to my mind, the gift was for both people, the note should come from both people.
  • If the shower was thrown just for you, I'd sign them solo but mention your FI in the body of the note (ie. "FI and I were so excited to receive X"). 

    It's technically proper etiquette for only one person to sign the gift no matter what it was for, but it's pretty common practice to sign both names. At least that's how I've received the majority of TY notes.
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