Wedding Etiquette Forum

Gahh! It's so freakin' windy!

How's your winter weather, are you getting that mass of winter weather floating through the country?


Re: Gahh! It's so freakin' windy!

  • Yes, but its in the form of rain because its too warm here, it actually thunderstormed this morning when I was getting ready. It was supposed to be windy but it isnt at all.
  • We got a dose of weird weather.  It was around 30 last night and woke up to almost 70 degree weather.  Weird.  It's schizophrenic. 
  • It was supposed to snow last night, but it only rained.  We'll get it today though, our temp. is dropping.  Right now, its light snow and 30-40 mph wind.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Gahh! It's so freakin' windy!</a>:
    [QUOTE]It was supposed to snow last night, but it only rained.  We'll get it today though, our temp. is dropping.  Right now, its light snow and 30-40 mph wind.
    Posted by shellydiane820[/QUOTE]

    Shel, whereabout are you?
  • Currently it is 50 degrees where I am and raining yet again. It's supposed to clear out by the end of today and then the rest of the week will be in the 30's with snow at the beginning of next week. I hope we get a lot. :)
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  • It's SO windy here today too! Other than that, not too cold, but the overnight low is 21. No snow expected though.
  • I'm wearing flip flops :)

    and the only reason I'm wearing long sleeves is because the office is so cold.
  • I'm in central IL.

    Salt, I want snow too, I love snow!  I wanted a winter wedding, but Nick put his foot down :(
  • High wind warnings today.  This morning it was 51 degrees and by tomorrow morning it will be 18.  Rain changing to snow.  I'm so looking forward to evening rush hour.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Gahh! It's so freakin' windy!</a>:
    [QUOTE]I'm in central IL. Salt, I want snow too, I love snow!  I wanted a winter wedding, but Nick put his foot down :(
    Posted by shellydiane820[/QUOTE]

    Sorry gals!  This weather can all be blamed on me.  I ordered it special so I could have my perfect princess day, winter wedding.
  • It's totally gross here...looks like its 4pm outside, and pounding rain.  I had to force the dogs to go outside this morning and most people in the office were about 20 minutes late (including myself).  I'd almost be happier if it were snowing
  • It's a beautiful sunny 80 degree day.  Winds are a little high (but that is good for sailing).

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
  • Oh brother!

    My aunt and uncle just got back from St. John's all tan, talking about that beautiful weather.  I was jealous.
  • FI cleaned up the garage last night and finally got my car back inside for the first time since he moved in (January!).  Good thing too, all the wind this morning had a limb down where my car would have been parked otherwise.

    And, it's raining, temp falling - to 21 overnight.  It's going to be a skating rink outside.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Gahh! It's so freakin' windy!</a>:
    [QUOTE]It's SO windy here today too! Other than that, not too cold, but the overnight low is 21. No snow expected though.
    Posted by mwhitson14[/QUOTE]

    I live about 4-5 hours away from Whit, and we are the same.  The wind is nuts!  High of 42 today, which is chilly for here. 

    I'm jealous of everyone who has snow.  I hope DH gets a job someplace that gets snow.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Gahh! It's so freakin' windy!</a>:
    [QUOTE] I'm jealous of everyone who has snow.  I hope DH gets a job someplace that gets snow.
    Posted by sucrets4[/QUOTE]

    That's it.  You have to move here.  The wedding's on Saturday, don't forget to pack your ribbon wands and snowsuits
  • I'm in Des Moines, IA and we just got hit with about 11 inches of snow. It's the most snow we've gotten in a couple years. They even have the National Guard going out to save people stranded on the highway between 10ft. snow drifts. But I'm lovin' the snow day!
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