Wedding Etiquette Forum

help! early thank you notes

My wedding is Feb 26, 2011 and the invitations just went out.  I have started to receive gifts from my registry in the mail from people who are attending my wedding.  Should I send a thank you note now, or wait until after the wedding?  I thought about sending them now but I also wanted to say "it was great seeing you at the wedding, thanks for coming" but I can't say that before the wedding!

Re: help! early thank you notes

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    Yes, open the gift and send the note now. Do not use the gift until after the wedding. You can tell them how nice it is to see and thanks for coming when you see them, at the wedding.
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    Send thank you notes now so the people know that their gift arrived. You can still send something after the wedding if you want, but you really don't want to make them wait 3 or more months to get a TY for a gift they already sent.
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: help! early thank you notes</a>:
    [QUOTE]Send thank you notes now so the people know that their gift arrived. 
    Posted by waltzingmatilda13[/QUOTE]

    <div>This. If I sent someone a present well in advance, I'd want to know that it got there safely.</div>
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    Instead of telling them "it was great to see you at the wedding" you can say "We can't wait to see you at the wedding!" or "we will really miss you at the wedding" (if they won't be making it).
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    Every one that you do before the wedding is one less to do after.  I was married on December 4, and now with Chirstmas shopping, baking and cards, I still have thank you notes to write.  I am reaching the point where I just want to sleep for a week so the answer is yes, do the notes now for gifts received.
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    thanks everyone!!!  Now I have to figure out a way to fix 20ish yrs of horrible penmanship :o
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