So, I sent out about 95% of my invitations last week. The other 5% were last minute confirming of addresses basically. 2 invitations on my FI/FIL's side were held back b/c I know that both of the daughters are in serious realationships (actually one got engaged over this weekend), and I wanted their invitations to have their S/O's names on them, as that is proper etiquette, etc. I have literally been asking FI to contact these girls to get the S/O's names for weeks. He always says he'll do it, and then forgets, and the cycle repeats.
I thought I had held back the parents' invitation, as all 3 invites (parents, daughter 1 and FI, daughter 2 and BF) were all going to the same address. However, I mistakenly sent it. I realized this on Monday, so I frantically printed the envelopes to say "and guest," and sent it yesterday morning. I get a call from FI last night with this story:
The mom (who is FMIL's best friend from grade school, and FI's godmother), called FMIL and made a comment about how her daughters returned the dresses they bought since they clearly aren't invited to the wedding. (which, as a side note, I find a bit rude, considering she only got her own invite maybe 3-4 days before making this call). FMIL then called FI hysterical and upset that the girls weren't invited. FI told her that they were and gave her some reason why the invite wasn't sent immediately (which wasn't the real reason, but FI was flustered, knew that the reason was legit but couldn't remember it). FMIL called back her friend to give some the bogus reason why the invite didn't get there at the same time as hers, and all appears OK.
So, this is my issue. Should I FB (I never use FB for wedding related stuff, but this is the ONLY way I can get in touch with the newly engaged daughter, as she is my FB friend, and I have no other contact info for any of the other family members), and explain what really happened, so she is assured that they were all always on the guest list (the entire family truly was on the guest list since day 1). I just don't want them to think we're only sending invitations now b/c they said something about it. These people are obviously veyr important to FI and his family, and I don't want them to feel slighted.