So, my grandparents surprised us with our wedding present at Christmastime. That was a big, wonderful surprise. They got it off our registry and everything. Then, they proceed to explain why they gave it to us so early. My grandmother's recently had a stroke, and is never going to fully recover (she's coherent and lucid, just physically weaker and it's harder for her to recall certain words). My grandfather is possibly the most resilliant man in the world, he's in his late '80's and has had cancer 4 times, and has gone into remission each time. Not to mention he has asbestosis and still works as a guard for the holding cells at the police station. Recently, they found a melanoma on his head (he's bald), and radiated it. They got rid of it, but the scar tissue from his radiation is compressing on his brain and causing him to have equilibrium problems and he's had a few petit mal seizures as well. So, they're both...okay, but they're never really going to be a hundred percent again. My grandmother told me when she gave us the gift that she wanted to make sure we got it, because they might be gone by our wedding. I didn't know what to say. I still don't. Ugh.