I have a friend who I'm considering inviting to my wedding, but I'm not sure if I should. She and I used to be close, but aside from seeing each other once or twice a year (we've lived in different states since we finished college), we don't talk that often anymore. It makes me a little sad that we've drifted apart, but despite my efforts to call, email, etc. she hasn't made any effort on her end to stay in touch. About a year ago I got so fed up with her never returning my calls/emails that I pretty much just stopped trying to contact her.
When I got engaged, I called and left her a voicemail. I didn't exactly say I was engaged, but that I had some very exciting news to share and that I hoped she would give me a call sometime soon so we could catch up. She never called back. Though she did acknowledge my engagement 2 months later on Facebook, it hurt my feelings that she waited that long to contact me. I just felt like, come on, would it have killed you to pick up the phone and call me back at some point? Or maybe even just send a text?
Part of me doesn't really want to invite her to my wedding, but she and I have several mutual friends I'm still close to who I am inviting. For that reason, part of me feels like not including her would be mean. The other part of me doesn't want to invite her though. I just hate those one-sided friendships where you're always the one to call and make the effort to stay in touch, and the other person doesn't reciprocate. Gah.
Any thoughts? Should I just suck it up and invite her? Or should I not bother to?