Wedding Etiquette Forum

Limo Driver Tip

I have never had to tip a limo driver, so Im not sure exactly how much you should. We are going to be getting a limo bus for about 3 hours that holds 18-20 people (big wedding party). What would a standard tip be? TIA
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Re: Limo Driver Tip

  • Is tip already included in the contract?  I believe most limo places are.  Otherwise between 15-20% of the total bill.  
  • Yeah, gratuity was included in our bill. I suppose if he really goes above and beyond, you could tip on top of that. Otherwise, I'd do around 20% or 15% if you felt like the service was less than stellar.

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  • Ours was included in the bill.  If you are paying by credit card and have to sign an invoice, you can ask to add it at that time.
  • Ours was added into our bill and it was 20%. 
  • Ours was added to the bill. However, our driver was excellent (right on time, kept us aware of the time when we were taking pictures, helped us load/unload stuff from the limo) so I gave him some more money.
  • Ours was included, and Im not even sure how much it was because I got a custom quote. If it's definitely not included, something in the 15% range seems appropriate.
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