I thought I had this invite stuff all down pat, but apparently not. I don't even know if there's proper etiquette for all of these things, but I'd rather be safe than sorry.
First, when writing the return address on the outer envelope, do I put just our address (123 Somewhere Street) or name and address? If I put name and address, whose name do I put? FI and I live together, so would I say Smith/Jones 123 Apple Street or just one of our names?
Second, is it ok to use the computer to print our address on the RSVP envelopes, or should I handwrite those, as well? And do I put just our address on there, or do I put names and our address?
And as for couples living together, should both names be listed on the outer envelope, or just So-and-so and Guest? For example, if I'm inviting my friend Jill and her boyfriend John, I would address it to Jill LastName and John LastName, not just Jill LastName and Guest.
Thank you!!