Wedding Etiquette Forum

Am I the only one....

That sees STD on here and ALWAYS thinks about diseases, and NOT save the date?  Always do a double take.

Re: Am I the only one....

  • My favorite is when the title of the post is "STD question". 
  • I thought that at first, too. I had never heard of STD's before joining TK.
  • You are not alone...
  • You are so not alone. I do it every time I see STD on here. lol
  • b0710b0710 member
    Nope!  Sometimes the way it's used is hilarious!
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:29f83a77-f4f3-428d-9dd8-77619451d808Post:848d1cb5-e96b-4ba4-b3a1-9c464931ac24">Re: Am I the only one....</a>:
    [QUOTE]Working in healthcare, STD and BM always make me stop for a sec and remind myself that the poster isn't talking about herpes or feces.
    Posted by katelynbrian[/QUOTE]

    I'm the same way, although I'm starting to think in wedding terms instead of medical terms.
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