Wedding Etiquette Forum

E's behind with the times - It's now ok for these things!

I'm mainly a lurker here but I've come across 2 funny things that I know would cause quite the stir around here!

I saw someone mention Once Wed website earlier on another thread and I thought I would check it out. Well low and behold on their 'home page' I was greeted by their 'Technicolor Wedding Ideas'. Not bad one may think until they scroll down and see goldfish in a mason jar! LOL I instantly thought - Oh Goodness No!!!! But wait, it gets better. So I clicked on it and was brought to the page below. In the comments section an aspiring wedding and event planner comments that “…. I would love to see someone use jars of goldfish as décor”  THE HORROR! LOL

The other thing that amused me was in a magazine (Can’t recall which wedding one it was off the top of my head – sorry) but it had a Q & A section and one bride was disappointed in her MoH and she thinks out of her 2 close friends she choose the wrong one because she isn’t returning calls and is not planning the usual shower, etc (Please come post on TK – They’d have a field day with you – my thoughts)… Sooo the mags response – Have a talk, yadda yadda skips to last line – Ask her if she would like to be relieved of her responsibility…  AWESOMESAUCE advice right there =)   

Guys, I really do think you need to familiarize yourselves with the changing times =) LOL (/sarcastic font off) 

#1 suggests Goldfish in jar centerpieces. Aspiring wedding planner agrees and wants to see it more often
#2 Bridal Mag suggests to cray cray bride that she replace her MoH.

Edited formatting because it posted weird.
June '13 - Cake!
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Re: E's behind with the times - It's now ok for these things!

  • Your timing is impeccable.
  • LOL Oh goodness.. why do you say that?
    June '13 - Cake!
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    Books read in 2013 - 0/25
  • I can't tell if you're agreeing with the things they're saying or not.
  • Revolutionary and original.
    Vacation with Alix, Andy, Mandy, and FLORENCE. AND HER MACHINE.

    The Margarita Evolution
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:2adfd5f2-9d58-47a5-8a66-fe565abd3e36Post:15226568-e064-40be-9ca3-5185dc260bc5">Re: E's behind with the times - It's now ok for these things!</a>:
    [QUOTE]I can't tell if you're agreeing with the things they're saying or not.
    Posted by midgetthemighty[/QUOTE]

    LOL I thought the whole /sacrastic advice would've been a give away

    I honestly do NOT agree with what I posted above. I thought I would post it here for a laugh at the craziness being told out there making others think it's ok/cool/next hottest thing to do.
    June '13 - Cake!
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  • Too funny!  I never considered goldfish in a jar until I went to a wedding last year.

    And yes the Goldfish was DEAD floating at the top of the fishbowl.  Made it a little difficult to enjoy my food....which was fish!. 

    Even if the goldfish wasn't dead something just seems wrong and cruel to eat fish infront of a fish. LOL!
    Wedding date July 7, 2012
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:2adfd5f2-9d58-47a5-8a66-fe565abd3e36Post:d25b77e1-b0f7-46c2-a2ae-ab02a8238204">Re: E's behind with the times - It's now ok for these things!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Too funny!  I never considered goldfish in a jar until I went to a wedding last year. And yes the Goldfish was DEAD floating at the top of the fishbowl.  Made it a little difficult to enjoy my food....which was fish!.  Even if the goldfish wasn't dead something just seems wrong and cruel to eat fish infront of a fish. LOL!
    Posted by Carla1019[/QUOTE]

    I never heard of them prior to TK to be honest. When I did I was floored at how people can think of these things and think they are "normal". Makes me wonder what else they are doing that people would side eye.

    And yes, I agree with it seeming wrong to eat fish infront of a fish! lol
    June '13 - Cake!
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    Vacation with Alix, Andy, Mandy, and FLORENCE. AND HER MACHINE.

    The Margarita Evolution
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: E's behind with the times - It's now ok for these things!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: E's behind with the times - It's now ok for these things! : I can totally see the fish getting upset about that.
    Posted by EaglesBride2012[/QUOTE]

    Yep. Etiquette is about making sure ALL beings are comfortable.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:2adfd5f2-9d58-47a5-8a66-fe565abd3e36Post:643bd8ce-e775-4998-8907-d1558006e4b1">Re: E's behind with the times - It's now ok for these things!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: E's behind with the times - It's now ok for these things! : LOL I thought the whole /sacrastic advice would've been a give away I honestly do NOT agree with what I posted above. I thought I would post it here for a laugh at the craziness being told out there making others think it's ok/cool/next hottest thing to do.
    Posted by sssdee[/QUOTE]

    Thought so! It's been a long week at work. :)
  • Wait, so I shouldn't have goldfish as my centerpieces?? Can I at least use parakeets? I need to dye their feathers though, to go with my color scheme.
  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:2adfd5f2-9d58-47a5-8a66-fe565abd3e36Post:ac635dee-077d-47c9-a5c6-e0ad97fc5db7">Re: E's behind with the times - It's now ok for these things!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Wait, so I shouldn't have goldfish as my centerpieces?? Can I at least use parakeets? I need to dye their feathers though, to go with my color scheme.
    Posted by Megbo2012[/QUOTE]

    I thought you can only use parakeets if you dye their feathers. At least that's what I've been told.

    I think I'm going with the puppy centrepieces though. Cute AND cuddly =)
    June '13 - Cake!
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:2adfd5f2-9d58-47a5-8a66-fe565abd3e36Post:eb1fb495-673e-4bec-b9c8-e94cc14b6c35">Re: E's behind with the times - It's now ok for these things!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Do you guys actually laugh out loud?  I need to know.  The use of LOL is one of my top five peeves.
    Posted by EaglesBride2012[/QUOTE]

    I'm sorry I really did laugh out loud. I have a sad sence of humor and laugh at lots of things (Appropriate and not)

    And yes, I do realize I use it alot... It's something I'm trying to tone down (I think I used it a bunch in my OP because I was typing it up and got distracted a couple times... - Ooooh shiny object)
    June '13 - Cake!
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:9Discussion:2adfd5f2-9d58-47a5-8a66-fe565abd3e36Post:ac635dee-077d-47c9-a5c6-e0ad97fc5db7">Re: E's behind with the times - It's now ok for these things!</a>:
    [QUOTE]Wait, so I shouldn't have goldfish as my centerpieces?? Can I at least use parakeets? I need to dye their feathers though, to go with my color scheme.
    Posted by Megbo2012[/QUOTE]

    Can I keep the painted parakeet as a favor?!?!
    Wedding date July 7, 2012
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: E's behind with the times - It's now ok for these things!</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: E's behind with the times - It's now ok for these things! : Can I keep the painted parakeet as a favor?!?!
    Posted by Carla1019[/QUOTE]

    <div>It will go to the highest bidder, of course.  How else am I supposed to pay for my posh honeymoon?</div>
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