I have a cousin who has had a wild "few" years, she was consumed by alcohol and even imprisoned for a short time due to it. She has two little boys who are being raised by my aunt and uncle mainly. I have another cousin who got married about a year ago and she basically ruined the whole event for my family. We all had traveled out of town for this wedding, and about 85% of what I remember from that weekend was how drunk she was and how much drama she created for our family. The weekend's focus turned from one cousin's wedding to another cousin's full-blown addiction. She has apparently been doing much better recently, but I have heard that before.
I don't want our wedding day to be a focus on my cousin's addiction. But if she is able to handle herself then I wouldn't mind inviting her - there just aren't any REAL garuntees.
The wedding is going to be in the afternoon and a dry event - so that is an argument to invite her. But that doesn't mean she wont load up before hand. And what if I invite her and she shows up wasted? Dealing with that is exactly what I don't want to happen. But, like I said, apparently she has been doing better, and hasn't drank for a couple month now.
Do I invite her??