Wedding Etiquette Forum



Re: ~dnbeach~

  • Wow, I also would have been mortified.  Haha the first Christmas with my MIL, which was only the 2nd time I met her, she walked around singing a song from Family Guy.  "I have a gift for you, up in my bum."  (to the tune of that song that goes ba rump ba bum bum, don't know the name)
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
  • Oh, Little Drummer Boy is the original song.  Otherwise known as the Mary Catherine Gallagher song.

    Yeah, H loves Family Guy, or at least did.  Our Boston's name is Stewie.  Hmmm, guess where he came up with that.  He had him before we met, or else I probably wouldn't let him name him that.  Oh well, better our dog than our son!
    imageBabyFruit Ticker
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