Wedding Etiquette Forum

Work Holiday Gift Swaps

What does everyone think of work Holiday gift swaps?  Just wondering.  I had mine at work and it always seems like I put in effort to get a nice gift and I always wind up with an obviously re-gifted piece of junk.  (I am a geek.  I googled and this item is no longer available and had bad reviews) I am debating on just throwing it away and not going swaps again or just wrapping it up for next year and releasing it back into the work swap universe.  I am leaning towards just not doing swaps anymore.  Because there are always the people that never put any thought or effort into things and I always seem to get the bad luck. 
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Re: Work Holiday Gift Swaps

  • CiardasullyCiardasully member
    100 Comments First Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    See, that sounds like a fun gift!  

    I guess I am just jaded.   My father always tell me I expect too much from people.  A lot of people brought nice gifts and of course there is always going to the person who regifts.  It's like pot-lucks.  There are always the people who put in a lot of effort and those you never bring anything but are the first ones in line.  I just needed to vent.
    PitaPata Cat tickers Anniversary
  • Yes, what did you get.  I like work gift swaps but I agree, they are like pot lucks, sometimes it is good, sometimes it is not so good.  That $50 prize sounds delightful sparky!
  • I feel the same way about swaps and potlucks but I always felt obligated to do them.  Plus, I hated the work swaps the past couple years because I hated some of my coworkers who were also participating.  Couldn't fathom having to shop for these awful people.

    I once drew the name of my work nemesis but I thought fast, said "oops, I picked my own name!" (good thing I was one of the first to pick. ha), threw it back in and got a new person.  I finally had to nerve to decline last year's exchange.

    Sparkly, that's is an awesome gift.  Lucky.
  • My FI just had his work gift swap-they had a $10 limit and every in the dept made an effort to get nice gifts. Except the person that had FI's name. What did he get? A Justin Bieber singing toothbrush. It did not go over well
  • I'm not a fan of work gift-swaps or Secret Santas because it feels too forced for me.  It's really hard to get something nice for someone you're not close to.

    However, I really enjoy white elephant gift swaps.  I think they're fun:-)
  • We are having a ss at my new job, i spent the limit on a nice gift, something i would like if it was me (that is how i choose these things, would never get something tacky or re-gift). I think that is so tacky, why participate if you are not going to actually get something decent. 
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  • I'd donate the crappy gift to Goodwill, personally.

    I usually participate in whatever holiday nonsense is going on.  I try to bring a good gift (usually wine).  If I don't like what I get, I donate it.  That way, I get a tax deduction, and hopefully someone who wants it will be able to get it at a huge discount.
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