One of my bridesmaids who I consider a best friend has been in an off/on relationship with this guy for the past 3 years. None of her frends or family likes this guy because in the past he has been mentally and physically abusive to her and cheated on her. (Just to mention a few). The last event they were at together they caused a huge scene, and really upset my friend who was hosting the party (it was her graduation party for getting her masters.) So a few months back they were split up and she and I were talking about my wedding (which is this coming October) and I told her that I know her and her boyfriend arent together anymore so it doesn't matter but just to make sure I told her he wasn't invited. She told me she totally understood and it was fine because they weren't togeter. BUT now they are together again and she told another friend of mine that she was upset he wasn't invited. Am I being insenstive not inviting him? For one thing I cant stand the guy because how he has treated my friend and two I'm worried they are going to get into their usual fight at my wedding/reception and ruin it. Any advice?