Wedding Etiquette Forum

Bridal Shower declines - long

Hi - A friend of mine posted this on another site and I'm curious to get your opinions.  What do you think?  (Sorry so long!)

"So my brother in laws fiance's bridal shower and bachelorette party is this weekend, it's at least 30-40 min away from my house. I was planning on going and taking the kids with me. But I forgot we were having friends in from out of town that weekend....we had made plans a few months ago and it honestly slipped my mind until like a month ago. So I told her like a month ago that the girls and i were not going to make it to the shower

So then she asked if the girls could come with my mother in law, and i told her while normally I would send them our friends have kids the same age and one of the reasons they are coming down is so we can get the kids together. She then texted me back and said...Cant the kids come just for a few hours so I texted her back and said, I was really sorry we could not make it but these are friends who we do not see very often and we have not had the kids together since like last March

She then texted me back and said...Well we tried to make the shower a day that you guys could come, I am really bummed you cant make it. So I texted her back and said I was really sorry we could not make it too.... So then she texted me back and said, if you wanted your friend and her kids could come along too....but if not I understand if you guys cannot make it. And the thing is I understand about wanting us at the shower, but it is not like we are missing the wedding.

Since then my mother in law has asked a few times if there is anyway that we can come, which I have said no to each time...Then today I get this email...


So Bride's mom calls me yesterday begging me to get u and the girls to come to the shower. She said u can bring your friends and all the kids and just be there a short while, but Bride really wants u and the girls there.
Just passing this on,

So am I wrong for not going to the shower...or is she wrong for keeping on badgering me about it. And the thing is while I feel awesome after having Baby, I did have a baby like 2 weeks ago and the thought of getting in a car and driving with 3 kids 40 min one way, especially with a nursing baby, it is REALLY unappealing to me."

ETA: My friend asked me to change the names of people involved... just in case Bride comes around here :)
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