Wedding Etiquette Forum

What the zsu zsu?

So my friend just called in a tizzy because she can't find Zsu Zsu pets, and it's all her girls want for Christmas. She figured C wanted them too, since they are apparently the Tickle Me Elmo of 2009. They're freakin fake hamsters that have houses andshit and they are sold out everywhere. I've never heard of them, and luckily C is happy with her real frogs and isn't interested.

It amazes me what marketers make you think you (or your kids!) can't live without.

What is everyone else up to tonight?

Re: What the zsu zsu?

  • I vote to get them the herpes plush toy instead.
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  • hahaha I have seen these in the news a few times and was not sure what the big deal was. 

    I'm just cozy on the couch, thinking about a very rough guest list!
  • My niece is also newly obsessed with those hamsters... I just don't understand it, but then again, I was a proud owner of Go-Go the Walking Pup.  Who am I to judge?

    And I am drinking red wine and watching the Victoria's Secret fashion show because I, evidently, am a masochist.
  • Hi Bec! 

    I'm relaxing at home, annoyed that my boss won't get back to me about whether I can have the 23rd and 24th off.  If she says no, I can't see my family for Christmas and I will go postal.  She's delaying for no good reason and I'm going to be mad if she says yes AFTER the airline fare doubles soon.

    And I'm usually a Christmas nut but I feel like the grinch.  I just can't get into it until I know I'm going home for sure.  I haven't bought a  single present yet.  Sigh.
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  • I told my friend she should just buy them REAL hamsters and tell them she's ahead of next year's big trend. C asked for a crayon maker and a snuggie. I love my kid!

    M mentioned the VS show on tonight, but thankfully is watching Christmas Vacation and eagerly awaiting the Sons of Anarchy season finale. I love that kid, too!
  • Man, I want a snuggie and a crayon maker too.  C can come hang with me!
    two years!
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  • Ugh Brie, that sucks. I have to take at least one week of vacation before the end of the year or I'll lose it, but DH can't figure out if it will be next week or the next for his time off, so I'm in limbo. I'll get days off at Xmas, but I have to be there some that week. It sucks! I hate his job sometimes.

    I feel like grinch too. I have to put all the stuff in my For Sale bio on ebay, and I just can't bring myself to do it all. I need the cash though, for Christmas or at least right after Christmas. I'm going to sit down tomorrow after work and just do it. The house will be empty and I can focus.

    We need to get out of our Christmas funk! On the count of three start belting out "Deck The Halls", ok? 1.... 2.... 3!
  • I just finished flat ironing my hair.

    When are you coming over to decorate my tree, Bec?  You can even use the cool black and silver ornaments if you want.
  • I've never even heard of a crayon maker but (after Google-ing), I want one too!  Also on the list of things I'd like are long legs and perfect skin, a la VS models. 

    I think a crayon maker is more realistic.
  • Bec: My niece will be getting 2 zhu zhu pets with the accessories for christmas this year.  They were going for $70 on amazon, but standing in line on Thanksgiving from 8;30pm - midnight at ToysRus paid off. $10. each

    As my niece informed me "They're just the funnest toy ever Anna! Everyone who's cool is going to have one!"
  • If you had legs like the VS models, you'd bump your knees everytime you tried to cross them under a table. Think of how horrid that would be!

    cacoffer, I can't WAIT for someone, anyone to come in tomorrow and comment on how little is on that tree. It looks awful, and I could not care less. I don't think I'm the right person to decorate your tree. I was literally just kind of tossing the damn ornaments here and there today. Bastards.

    Kate, why is your guest list rough?
  • It's completely ridiculous that she wouldn't let me off.  I'm the only person in my department that's planning to travel for the holiday, and I worked the day before Thanksgiving when nobody else did.  I just wish she'd make up her mind and tell me so I could start getting some semblance of holiday spirit going on.
    two years!
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  • Bec -- if it's the crayon maker where the little girl is like, "tropical bikini sunrise!" or something, I want that too.
  • I haven't seen the commercial, but it could be the same one, Kate. $20 at Walmart, and they have $15 Bendaroos, which she put on the "If Santa can manage it" list. :) Poor little OCD thing.
  • "If Santa can manage it" -- too cute!  Does she still believe wholeheartedly, or does she have any skepticism yet?
  • I'd take a few thousand bruises on my knees to look like those girls. :)

    Brie, I really hope she lets you have those days off.  You should stalk her until she gives you an answer.
  • I think if she has doubts, she won't tell me. C is a strange little creature, and she has an imagination that astonishes me. She's kind of like the kid in Bridge to Tarabithia, in that she writes the most amazingly creative stories, but she's also very smart and grounded. I think she'll keep it up for a couple more years just because it's more fun to pretend instead of kill it all. Which makes me love her even more.

    By the time M didn't believe anymore, she kept up the magic for C. I'm not sure what to do when C comes clean and fesses up to not believing. I may die a little. LOL
  • I wish I could stalk her, but I'm traveling for work through Friday...and I TOLD her I was hoping to make plans before I left for this stupid trip.   And I doubt she'll just e-mail me the information sua sponte.  Ugh.
    two years!
    after two losses, now happily expecting baby #1 09.16.12
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: What the zsu zsu?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Kate, why is your guest list rough?
    Posted by BecW2be[/QUOTE]

    Oops, missed this!  It is rough because I feel like it's sort of far out to be nailing it down...I'm a year and a half from Christmas.  I dunno, maybe it's not too early.  I feel like I've been in "it's too early to start planning" mode for so long that I won't really know when it IS okay to start :)
  • Butting in, anyone remember Furbies?
  • I want a giga pet or tamagachi. Now THOSE were the shiit. And banned from my middle school because we all disrupted class to feed our "pets."
    Leo says hi. He's...special.
  • Furbies always reminded me of battery-powered Gremlins gone bad.
  • OMG furbies were the big thing when M was a little younger than C's age now! I do remember them! I dodged that bullet too.

    She wanted a Pooh phone that year that she found in a shop at Disney. She announced about a week or two before Christmas that she'd asked Santa for it, knowing that I couldn't go back to Florida to buy it, so she'd know if he was real if she got it. THANK YOU EBAY! I bought myself a year or more.

    Kate, I hear ya on the planning mode. I think you have a bit more time.
  • Ahh Furbies creeped me out!!!  My sister and I had a couple and sometimes they'd start talking on their own when we weren't even playing with them.
  • I think we should all pray for those marketers.
  • And speaking of Gremlins, Fergie just performed on the VS fashion show.

    That's the red wine talking.
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